24 October 2009

A Public Service Announcement ...

Folks, I'm here to tell you that speeding is just not worth it. I have literally spent HOURS taking care of this - and, well today was apparently designated the day to take the online Defensive Driving course. I was going to do it before I went to Australia, but decided to just lay about recuperating from a collapsed lung and such.

The weird thing? I have 'test anxiety'. I always have. I fret, and study and stew and study some more. I texted Ryan today that I was worried - his reply: 'there is no honor roll in defensive driving, mom'. Gary, when he called and I told him to wish me luck ... refused! Said it was no big deal - but ... how mean! Before he clicked off I heard a quiet 'luck'! I have always been like this - worry ... study with others ... then get 100% and everyone hates you, but the worrying is real - it is not an act and I don't know how to fix it. If I can't take a Defensive Driving test without the worry - college is going to be extremely stressful! (Yes, I have been planning on taking courses but things keep getting in the way - like Australia and, well - I will have to take tests ... and GET GRADED ...).

Still - tests - don't like them - gotta figure out how to fix this. Had I known a trained monkey could have taken this and passed, well - I still would have worried ... what's up with that?

If I start on my master's or another bachelors or just a class here as I was planning - I am thinking I could be in trouble unless I get my 'issues' sorted out! Suggestions?


A.J. said...

Next time I see a texting monkey cutting me off in traffic I'll be thinking of you.
I have similar issues, it's not so much the anxiety but I get upset with my self if I don't score high enough. My wife says I tend to be a bit obsessive. I say there's is nothing wrong with being well prepared!!
Congratulations on your score.

Jennifer said...


Vicki said...

Before I started on my PhD, I was terrified.

I remember two things about that time that gave me courage:

1. I told a woman in our ward I was going to start my PhD. She was SO EXCITED. She kept saying things like, "That is so impressive!" I thought, I haven't done anything more than say I was going to begin.

BUT she was right. It took me eight years to decide to do it, but only four to actually finish it.

2. I went to church at Steve's ward. The mayor's wife taught RS. She said, "If you are succeeding at everything you are trying, you just aren't trying difficult enough things. If you are challenging yourself adequately, you should be failing about 50% of the time."

You'll be nervous - but DO IT!!!

Sarah said...

I don't have any suggestions but I appreciate the insight into test anxiety. I've always hated people who get all worried and then ace every test. I thought it was for show and it drove me crazy. I won't be so quick to judge anymore. (at least in that area) :)