25 January 2009

What's Wrong With This Picture?

So after dinner, Gary says he will do the dishes if I supervise Jessie playing at http://www.disney.com/ (On my computer? Goodness, no! His ... I won't let her get NEAR mine). He finishes and goes to fiddle with the remotes of the TV setup in our bedroom. I am very grateful (still am) but as I walked in the kitchen - I noticed that every cupboard door was open.

Is this a guy thing (both my guys suffer from 'cupboard-open-itis')? Is it normal? Is it really my OCD? 'Cause I'm thinking that closing the cupboard doors is just part of normal every day life, especially when part of everyday life included cleaning the kitchen. Is that so wrong? It's like I live with a ghost that is trying (very successfully I may say) to make me nuts. Every time I go in the kitchen, a cupboard is open, a light is on, the pantry door is open or its light is on - and I CANNOT stop myself - I have to shut them / turn them off. Why does this not bother them? Actually, why can't they even SEE that they are doing it?

Is it me? Or are my boys on a very successful campaign to make me crazy?


Sarah said...

My kids do the same thing. Cupboard doors are always open, the lights are always on and I think I would drop over dead if one of them closed the pantry door after they were done. Angelo doesn't leave the cupboard doors open as much but he never turns a light off.

Court said...

Ditto! I am constantly turning off lights and closing doors at our house. I think it's because I have banged my hip on one too many doorknobs and thrashed my head on the corner of an open cupboard or two. So no Lori, you are not crazy...you are in good company. :)

Liz said...

I'm the one who leaves the cupboard doors open at our house and it makes Jared crazy. I don't even notice I'm doing it! BTW--the next GNO is at 5 guys Burgers and Fries. My home# is 281-232-8450. My cell is 832-646-8954. Home# is your best bet! I have a machine I actually know how to work.

Laura said...

We are a family of cupboard door closers. I've always found it safer - no fear of head banging that way.

Lights are another story. We are all bad about leaving lights on. Although I do make sure they are all off when we leave the house.