19 January 2009

Shopping Spree!!!

Yeah, Gary, you read right - I went shopping! If anything can get my very busy husband to pull up my blog on his really cool pimped out phone (I forget what it is, a blackberry breeze or spaz or spree or something like that) in Australia - those two words will do it (I am SO mean)! Of course I did it all from the comfort of my office chair, I'm lazy and not an idiot. My good friend Mr. Amazon is coming by on Wednesday to bring me some boxed DVD sets (OK, OK, and I'm buying so ...). (And that is just 3 dots a right parenthese and a period, I am clueless when it comes to winking, blinking, sideways smiley dudes)

The really, really cool thing about not watching commercial TV is that all of a sudden you notice new series that look really interesting. I have been watching Criminal Minds (Season One, what can I say, I like Elle, not the Goth Chick that replaced her) today since Ryan was getting awfully tired of RENT and I am too lazy to go find Phantom of the Opera.

I am also lazy (go with me here for a second) and sneak onto every one's blog via Laura's since she has them all listed nice and neat, and noticed her title "Burn Notice". Was just going to check and see if ANYONE had blogged recently (a big fat NO) and there was the title. Since she is apparently as sick and twisted (and I mean this in the nicest way possible, Laura) as I in our love of Criminal Minds, I trust that it is a good show. And purchasing it now - it is $19.99 instead of the $60.00 it started out at.

For good measure I threw in "Life" (also $19.99) because I saw somewhere that it looked good and has the cutie pie from "Band of Brothers" in it. So someone tell me now if these shows are duds you will be doing me a great service - OK, just Life since I trust Laura's review of Burn Notice.

Then started thinking, "Now what is the name of that show with the guy 'with-what-they-call-an-aneurysm-which-can't-really-be-an-aneurysm-since-that-just-bursts-and-kills-you-should-have-been-some-sort-of-tumor' guy who sees the future. Man ... and he is the only other English speaking actor other than Hugh Laurie that can pull off an American accent! Then I found it - "Eli Stone" - and went to double check again that he really, really was born and grew up in the UK and there he was, with Angilina Jolie as his first wife (?) Oh, THAT Johnny Lee Miller - thought she married an American rock singer first - I am mixing names up somewhere, but decided to buy it on that trifecta of trivia alone. I have seen some of these but never saw the first one and I really, really want to see how it all began.

So, my plans don't amount to much for the next month - getting an Enrichment Night pulled together, watching shows, putting together another web site and reading two XHTML books. My life is so exciting I can hardly stand myself.

**Note: Sorry Kimberly (for the toe also, and no I don't think it's the pointer!) you had posted while I was ranting/typing!


kimberly said...

I approve of all of these shows you just purchased. (Well, okay. I've never seen Eli Stone, so I have no idea. But I like that actor and that must count for something.)

I adore Burn Notice. The third season starts this week! Hurrah! All the characters are likeable and they all like blowing things up. Fantastic!

Life is one of those shows I discovered near the end of the summer. I'd finished a series and was waiting for the new seasons of things to start. I ended up watching the whole first season on hulu. It's fantastic and the main character is also one of those British guys who can do an astonishingly good American accent. I didn't even know he was British until someone told me.

Enjoy your purchases!

Lori Hurst said...

Thanks Kim! I am confidant that I will love these. I just figured out what your SGA stood for and although we never watched that, we have a bazillion seasons of Star Gate (I'm sorry, but you gotta love Macgyver - I want to buy that whole series - never saw it). But pretty much that is the only reference to a TV show on your web that I understand - you seriously need a primer! Still trust you!

Laura said...

I can endorse "Life" also. I have only seen the first season, but I really liked it. I haven't watched it this season because it's been on against either "Numbers" or "Criminal Minds" - both of which rank higher in my book.

And I do not mind being as sick and twisted as you in our love for "Criminal Minds"! That is, without a doubt, my favorite show on TV. I must agree with you about Elle - she was much better than the chick who is on there now. But as long as they keep showing Morgan in his tight t-shirts, I will be okay!

Happy viewing to you!

Laura said...

Oh, and new "Burn Notice" on Thursday! My DVR is set, and I can't wait!

Jennifer said...

Life! Life! Life!!

Carol Beck said...

your week sounds fun to me except not as fun as my week! i'm spending the week in plano with my grandkids!!!!! by the way, i tried to call you on the way there today and was surprised to find out you weren't home. i was getting bored while i was driving and when i get bored the next thing is sleepy! i thought you might happen to need someone to talk to also! i didn't let the phone ring too many times just in case you were still in bed. steve said you weren't there on sunday so i thought you might not be feeling well. see the bishopric is watching you!!!!!
better be careful! i hear they take notes too!!!! gary will probably get a full report when he gets home! ha! ha! (hope you understand my sense of humor! you really don't know me that well. i kid an awful lot! i'm not being serious, except about the part that steve said you weren't there! who knows? maybe i'm right, though! it's all secret i mean sacred! (i'm really not making fun of your religon! honest! that's just the answer i get when i ask anything about the temple!) i really don't want to start another war of words!!!!!!!ha! ha! it's one of those topics you know that shouldn't be discussed-politics or religon and i add sports to that group! my husband and son-in-laws and future son-in-law argue a lot about sports!!!!!

Carol Beck said...

Laura, why don't you record one of the shows while you watch the other? Maybe this is a stupid question, but it seems logical to me. I'm sure you've probably thought of it already. Do any of you like 24? That's the only prime time show Steve and I watch. Oh, except American Idol. (our kids got us started on both of them) I started watching Dancing With the Stars when Steve's aunt was here but he wouldn't ever watch it with me. I've quit watching it now.

Laura said...

We have a stupid DVR which will not record a different channel from the one we are watching. I keep meaning to call Dish and ask them to get me a better DVR, but then I forget.

Lori Hurst said...


I WAS at church!!! Liz, a little help here! I got there TWO minutes late and there were no seats - went in to look and everything - if the Bishopric had such good eagle eyes they would have seen me! Stood outside and talked to Liz for most of Sacrament, then realized they had opened up another overflow and felt bad. Went in to Sunday School after that. Do I need to keep going? Liz, Liz? I need a little help here!

Oh, and the phone, I have been having some wild headaches/migrane and turn it off when I am laying down - it could have been during that - which was a big chunk of my day - between trying to blind my dog and buying DVD's.

Liz? Gary will belive Steve before he belives me!! (kidding).

Lori Hurst said...


You, Amy and Heidi are so into Morgan! I on the other hand am so in love with Dr. Reid!! Amy thought I was nuts, but then started paying attention - he can't hide his Calvin Klein Model good looks behind all that hair, and I have a SERIOUS THING for very smart nerdy guys (ok, I mean Gary but he really is not that nerdy - I am nerdy ... transference I guess)

Laura said...

I love Reid too. Just not in the same sort of "I'm glad he's wearing that tight t-shirt" sort of way! I have to say that I thought Reid's hair looked better in last week's episode than it ever has. I could see why he was a Calvin Klein model (sometimes his hair makes it very hard to believe).