20 January 2009

Typical Communiqué

E-mail from Gary just now:

"Any shopping requests before I leave Brisbane (seamless leather coin purses, 'real' toad head key chains or coin purse, etc). My last shopping day is today."

My reply:

"Seriously …. we are way low on Kangaroo Scrotum coin purses and if you don’t get me a ‘real’ toad head key chain I might have to hurt you.


We are such romantics...


Liz said...

That is hilarious. I love ya'll sarcasm.

Shel said...

Y'all are awesome! And, I can relate to your love language:

Friday on my way to Frisco to visit my mom I texted James who is in Washington:"I just got a pulled over doing 80 in a 60... it's a @#*% $250 ticket!" His reply: "Great Job!"

Then on my way back from Frisco on Monday he texted me and asks "You aren't speeding are you?" So I reply to him "I'm texting!!! but no, I'm not speeding and people are blowin' passed me like I'm a one cylinder Ford Fiesta it's pathetic!" He then replies "Good, we can't afford your driving habits!" AH, Now, that's love!!!

I do have to say the things Gary find are some kind of interesting!!

Leslie said...

My reply would have been..."buy jewelry...no scrotum purse necessary"!

Lori Hurst said...

"But ... I REALLY want a toad head key chain" (said in a very whiny voice)...

Lori Hurst said...

Shelly - I'm impressed - not speeding but texting while driving!? I would so be dead. (Sorry about the ticket, good your hubbie is being such a sport about it)