09 July 2009

Thursdays Rant

So a month or so - ago I was in a Krogers and wanting my 'gardens' to look spiffy since my parents were coming out for Ryan and Jessie's graduations, I noticed there were a bunch of small plants in very small pots for a reasonable price so I snagged a half dozen ... knowing full well I would have to repot them soon or watch them die a slow, miserable, horrible death in my plant morgue. I even bought a couple bags of potting soil at the same time I bought the plants - the pots they were in were just that small.

They have all looked a bit sickly lately ... could be that 'water indoor plants' on my To Do list is still not checked off having started flashing red a week ago. Also on my To Do list is 'buy pots for plants' ... also unchecked. Knowing they would not survive Ryans abuse / neglect coming up here in a few days living in their 3" pots, I told myself today was the day they were going to be re-potted - apparently with or without new pots.

Scavenged around in the shed and found some decent looking off white pots and some horrifying pink ones, but ... when it's all you've got ... it's all you've got. Note in my 'before' photo: plants, pots, ugly pots, plant food, a very sickly plant morgue in the background, a sonic drink that just taunted me the entire repotting session since who is going to pick up a drink with muddy hands? .. a plant from the morgue that is going to be sacrificed for the pot AND NONE TOO SOON! Satan is lounging around in front of my morgue - I guess waiting for the naughty plants to die ... AND:



OK, you can get all uppity and call it 'potting soil', but it is just still DIRT.

This is why I don't garden - I hate dirt, despise it. A friend of mine told me once that she had a garden because the Prophet says to ... apparently the wrath of God won't even sway me. The closest I come to a garden is my indoor one - and generally I just throw the plants out when they outgrow their pots (well, they head to the plant morgue, then they get thrown out). This way I can enjoy plants, without the DIRT.

So I repotted. DIRT everywhere. Under my fingernails, on my face (after a very unwise move to scratch an itch), splashed on my legs and my clothes when adding the much needed water to their new homes. OK, I make it sound like I just dumped a bag out on the concrete and rolled around in it, but I didn't - there was not that much dirt - it just doesn't take that much to apparently send me into a RANT on DIRT. Hate it, hate it, hate it. And if you think I hate dirt where it belongs (like in a potted plant) don't get me started on dirt where it does not belong ...

See? All done, repotted, watered and ready to move into the house ... eventually - when that dirt on the outside dries and I can wipe it off ...

Man, repot a few plants, Gary is going to wake up, read this, know I've lost it just a teensy bit and be calling ... (will probably mention the butt ugly pink pots too)



Cherri said...

Those are such sweet pots! I didn't know you were such a dirt freak - sounds like you were covered head to foot. I'm glad the plants seemed to survive, but I want to know if they are STILL alive!

Lori Hurst said...

I was just feeling like a dirt freak at that moment - thus the 'losing it a tiny bit' comment. Most times dirt just disgusts me.

As for if they are still alive - I had them 'drying' outside and looked up to see the temp at 107 degrees outside and thought maybe indoor plants wouldn't like that so much ...

I went out and sure enough - all had wilted, passed out and were just laying there gasping for air! Some actually, really and I don't know how this happened had leaves that were burned black (apparently plants don't tan)! I can accomplish this (along with a bit of help from the weather) in just under 3 hours!

They are now inside, resting comfortably, I have clipped off the worst of the burned leaves - muttering something about my poor dears needing a burn unit but not knowing if Shriners would take them .. and they are looking, well

peeked "pee kid"(is that how that it spelled? it is the word that comes to mind when I look at my little plants, but I can't mentally picture the spelling - which I usually can - thus it is probably not even a word ...)

Look, ranting and raving in my own comments - he's only been gone 3 days!

Kristie said...

Sounds like you had a productive day - I layed on the couch all day, so yeah for you!! Even if it did involve dirt :)

Jennifer said...

Ha ha! Hilarious!