06 July 2009

He's Leaving ... on a jet plane ....

Cheesy, I know (half of you will curse me for having that song - without the 'he' - stuck in your head all day, and half of you, maybe more ... will have no idea what I am talking about)!

The end tables and the coffee table/plant stand are finished and in place ... well not really - the coffee table/plant stand is more 'plant standish' looking so it will go somewhere back in my garden there, but the end tables are in place!

Cute little drawer to hold the remotes:
that extends and holds my 'cheat sheet' so I can find a channel .... and what ever else we decide to throw in there.

The sprinkler heads have been raised (unfortunately it was not 'about 3' it was more like all of them and he got 30 raised - all the extensions that Home Depot had. I think he is planning, if he has the time - to get a few more done after he raids another Home Depot).

Got his truck inspected and the registration sticker put on ...

His ticket to come back next time has been purchased ...

So - he is ready to head back.

I am not ready for him to head back.

No Worries!!! I am heading down under in a week for 3 weeks. Hopefully I will master driving on the wrong side of the road and not get killed / kill anyone, take all those walks with my camera that I should have taken last time (some beautiful parks and buildings right around Gary's apartment) and not be sick! Easy enough, right?


Court said...

I love crossing off the to-do list! Gary sounds like a PRO! I'm happy you get to see him again soon. And maybe you ought to stick with bike riding. :)

Jennifer said...

I can't believe how many times you have to see each other off. You really are pros. And Gary could be a contractor.

Cherri said...

Is Gary ever just . . . still? I envy him his energy - not genetically linked to me in even a tiny part, even though we have the same mother and father. I should have been wishing Jessie Happy Birthday, but instead spent the day frantically trying to finish a class for professional development and heading down to Utah for the second time in 3 days to attend Aunt Edith's funeral. It was nice, but I spent the morning puking because I caught whatever was going around with grandkids.