19 July 2009

Question for ya ...

Was reading up on the Swine Flu on an msnbc.com page and it lists the symptoms to know if y'all have a pig with swine flu:

Symptoms of infected pigs include fever, depression, coughing (barking), sneezing, difficulty breathing, red or inflamed eyes, lack of appetite and discharge from the nose or eyes.

Question: Seriously - how do you know when a pig is depressed?

Just asking ...


Val and Marceil said...

You can tell that pigs are depressed when they don't fight with their fellow pigs for a place at the hog trough at meal time.

Vicki said...

How funny! I had never thought about a depressed pig - but now that I know, I keep a look out.

Liz said...

Minus the no appetite, I think I may have swine flu! Love all of your recect phots...absolutley breathtaking.

Liz said...

Um..that's "recent photos"