04 March 2010

Morning Friend

Woke up, stumbled out to my computer, booted it with its accompanying 'jet taking off' sounds, poured me a diet coke and sat down at my desk. Looked up and out the window to my birdhouse and through bleary eyes saw this little cherub:

Mind you, I had to take this through the slats of my blinds without moving them, for fear of scaring this peaceful little critter away so there are white stripes through my photos. But isn't he precious? He sat there for a good half hour and in a voice that was typical middle America made plans for a jacuzzi, a master bath and a galley kitchen in my birdhouse to make it 'home'. "I could live here - it just needs a few things ..."

As he sat there planning his remodeling project, I was enjoying his plump, feathery nether regions:
His body overflowing his teeny tiny feet ...

I really wanted a photo of him without the slats and he seemed so peaceful and content to just sit there, I decided to inch up the blinds and see if I could sneak off a shot. But, alas, Mr. McPlumpersons flew away to plan his palacial abode elsewhere ...

1 comment:

Cherri said...

Mr. McPlumpersons was very cute - I liked his remodel plans. Maybe I should carry them out in my home in his memory!