03 March 2010


I like Matthew Broderick. Especially in this movie. I feel I have a special kinship and all - being only 3 degrees of separation from the guy. I'm not a stalker, or anything - just like his work. This was in the Daily Thought so I thought I would share:

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop to look around once in a while you could miss it.”

― Matthew Broderick as Ferris Bueller, "Ferris Bueller’s Day Off"

This is a photo of Gary last night making arrangements to be in Singapore for 4 days WITHOUT ME. Of course, it is for work, but had he waited just 3 more days - I would have been there - could have gone with him and sure I would have FOUND SOMETHING TO DO while he toiled away.

Speaking of LOOKING AROUND ... why am I acting jiggy? Well, have you seen THESE:

they are professional canvas stretchers and work like a charm! Alas, when Gary and I went to get them last night to stretch our latest 'Art Project' they were no where to be found ...

I KNOW I put them ... somewhere. DAMN! I hate it when I lose something and 6 months later, run across it and it is in the most logical place I thought I could have put it at the time - which in some psycho-convoluted way was probably true at the time, but the freezer is probably not the best place to store the pliers ...

We looked for at least 4 hours yesterday and then decided to go with backups. YES - we have two pairs. Did I lose the ones that work crappy? NO! Just the good ones. And here's a question for ya: "HOW THE HELL DID THE TWO GET SEPARATED IN THE FIRST PLACE? They are freaking professional canvass stretchers and should at least be stored together ..." The backups wouldn't work - dang!

I'm such a loser ...

I resorted to desperate measures last night - with FULL FAITH that this would work. I ORDERED ANOTHER PAIR!

Didn't work .... still have no clue where they are. It is somewhere trapped in my brain.

Well, I'm off - to clean out the cupboards in the kitchen. I might have set them down there with Jessie's junk and they got lost in the miasma ...

... it could've happened .....

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