27 March 2010

Friday ...

This blinkin computer will not let me type above my first picture - which, fortunately is not part of the rest of them. It is an update for Friday. Yes, Gary did walk right to his boat. It was rough waters, but with Dramamine was able to not upchuck his cookies. Says the Great Barrier Reef in Cairns looks pretty much like the Great Barrier Reef in Brisbane ...


When Live Gives You Lemons ....

... Buy and Umbrella!!!

Yes - it rained the entire day. But never fear - we started on my route of things to see regardless. The theme for the day - for the most part was waterfalls. So - in honor of the pouring rain and the wetness we experienced the entire day - today I will post my photos of Waterfalls - tomorrow I will post some of the other things we ran across.

We just about missed this lovely. On the web it stated that except for the wet season or after a hard rain - it was just a trickle - so I didn't include it in my list. Except Gary said that it IS the wet season and it had been raining hard.

Barrons Falls: (trickle? I think not):

The next falls we went to was one we saw on the map. It was out of the way, but it had cleared up a bit so off we went. Got there and discovered it was the NAME OF A TOWN with NO FALLS IN SIGHT!!!

I was pissed. So on we went.

Then we decided to do a 'biggest ball of string' type off roading adventure and find the 'widest waterfalls in Australia': Millstream Falls:

Then on to a trio of beauties all together.

Millaa Millaa Falls:

Zillie Falls:

and Ellinjaa Falls (thanks Gary for this picture -after traipsing up and down all the other falls I was worn out and decided I was not going to do it in the pouring rain - so he gallantly went down and took the photo for me):

And, yes, all these photos were taken in the rain. With a little photoshop magic - look pretty good, no?

All in all it was a disappointing day - but we did get some good photos, so I am not really complaining.

We leave Cairns at 11:00 today and will always remember it as being a very, very wet place!


Vicki said...

Those are GREAT! I am so impressed that photoshop can get rid of any trace of the rain.

I'm glad you are having fun.

Anonymous said...

Come on give it up! What was the name of the Town without a fall? Your public is dying to know. Seriously those are some fantastic pictures thanks you for sharing them.

Lori Hurst said...

The town without the falls is: Tinaroo Falls - yeah - just like Millaa Millaa falls and the rest - but just the name of a stupid town...