29 March 2010

For A.J.

A.J. wrote in the comments of the last post that he could only see 1/3 of the photos that I posted, so I thought that I would post them again - for him, but also to share A.J.'s wisdom. He is just filled to the brim with snippets of wisdom and wrote this about my post on 'Posterization':

"If only we could posterize certain events in our life, the ability to take a crappy situation and with a bit of filtering and adjusting, create a masterpiece. It could be very appealing.

Talk to you later. A.J."

It made me smile. I will never look at my 'posterization' tool the same again. Yes, it would be so nice to have our own 'posterization' filter that we could slip over our eyes on those really bad days ... and make them just seem 'funky', or on those not so bad, but still bad days and make them better. Or even on a good day ... and just see it in a different way. I think I am going to work on getting a 'posterization' filter for myself - shouldn't be so hard ...

Thanks for the lovely Tuesday wake up lesson, I hope you can see these photos:

Don't really know what this is ... outside of Brisbane:

Old Car tootling down the road:

Chinatown sign in ... Chinatown (surprise, surprise):

Manhole cover in Chinatown:

Building covered with weed filled globes:

Lion statue:

All Halloweds School:

Buildings at Dusk:

City at Dusk:

Moon over Story Bridge:

Sunset over Story Bridge:

Thanks, as always for the comments, A.J. - they always give me something to think about - as do all of your short stories ...

What luck are paths have crossed ("Pick Me, Pick Me! Oh, Never mind" ...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You make me smile! You remembered! That desperate post was almost a year ago, back when I thought this was some kind of popularity contest. Thanks to you I've grown a bit and realized this is more about sharing, than collecting hits. Although I must admit I still look to that number every once in a while and wonder.

I feel like I've also gained a friend all be it under unusual circumstances, who knows maybe some day...

Thanks for the lovely post.
Talk to you later. AJ.