16 February 2010

Unknown Name ... Unknown Number

First off - Ignore that title for a titch. In honour of Fat Tuesday:

Not that the holiday has any meaning whatsoever to me, but, well I had the graphics and who doesn't want to dress up there very own tanned Cane Toad in Mardi Gras finery?

My cleaning lady came today - which was cool - since it forced me to pick up. Since I was wandering the house all night - it was not a problem being ready for her at 9:00am. I believe I bulldozed my closet at around 3:30am. And continued on from there. The down side is she eventually has to kick me out of the office to clean it - so I was banished to the Master Bedroom. Took my camera on its tripod and my books.

Immediately thought that crystal would be fun to photograph - so played with it and then lay down to try to get some rest. Fell asleep twice - I believe when my cleaning lady yelled she was done - I yelled 'thank you' back and fell promptly back asleep and then a phone call:

Unknown Name
Unknown Number

YES!!!! This is what I see when Gary is in sketchy service areas!!!

Came 'THIS' close to just flat out saying "So ... the cannibals haven't eaten you yet ..." but oddly (for me) decided to go with 'hello' and my heart, which had just done a summer sault dropped about a foot when Jessie's social worker at RSS said 'hello' back.

Damn - still in Radio Silence

And ... damn again ... Jessie's barium swallowing test showed something and from now on her food would be ground.



'Calm yourself, Lori'

Blink, blink, blink ...

"Um, could you say that again .... ground - as in, like BABY FOOD!!!?!!!"

She explained that no, not like baby food - like she could have a taco - ground beef, pulled pork, pulled chicken, just smaller bite sized pieces.

I calmed down a bit, but still. It is hard to have something this big happen to your daughter and just get a phone call about it. Next step, test results have been requested - getting them tomorrow.

It is times like this that make me feel light years from being even a 'mediocre' mom ....


A.J. said...

Sorry to hear about Jessie, I hope the tests go easy on her but more importantly I hope they provide you with enough information to deal with what ever they find. Not that it means a hill of beans right now but I and I'm sure all of your friends will have you and Jess in our prayers.

Hang in there friend. A.J

Kristie said...

Wow - I'm so sorry you had to be woken up to that. I hope all her tests come back better. Praying for you!!

Vicki said...

How scary. Do keep us posted.