02 February 2010

I'm In Photo Heaven!!!


Enter Filter Keywords: cruise, sunset - and I GET ALL MY SUNSET PICTURES FROM CRUISES!!! Yes, I know that is how it is supposed to work, but I am still a wee bit punchy from about 48 hours of non-stop 'keywording' 42,663 photos. It does not take much to make me happy right now!

Way cool, though, and fun to have two computer screens:

I HAVEN'T EVEN gotten to the part where I can do bulk fixes and edits. You know, low light, messing up and taking photos in the 'turn all my photos to blue shit' mode, etc. My brain just might explode when I get to that chapter. I just wrote my copyright information to the metadata of each and every one of my photos - I even figured out how to enter the ‘©’ symbol! I feel so ... semi-professional ...

The down side to all this? Gary is sitting there in his office in Brisbane, Australia - Thinking 'Hmmm, that would be nice for, say - ALL THE REST OF THE PHOTOS WE TOOK DURING OUR MARRIED LIFE'.

Which said negatives are all sitting in a jumble in a huge box just waiting for someone to sort them out, take them somewhere and make them into digital images.

Thing is *whispers* "I really didn't take any of those photos!"

*grumble, grumble* I'll get to it .... one of these days ... promise ... just not tonight!

1 comment:

A.J. said...

Lori, It's time to go to bed now, you're starting to talk to your self. It reminds me of Gollum in Lord Of The Rings.

"Yes my precious, me thinks they be sneaky my precious."

You're starting to creep me out there girl!

Sleep, Sleep ....