... but not quite yet. He called me while I was at lunch with Linda and Bonne - celebrating Linda's birthday and patting ourselves on the back for actually getting together two whole weeks in a row - and said that the helicopter couldn't take off because of fog.
You, know up until this point I had been totally focused on the malaria carrying mosquitoes, the cannibals, the angry, armed tribesmen, the jungle itself, but NOT his mode of transportation. Because a helicopter in a foggy jungle DOESN'T FREAK ME OUT ... at all. So I guess I will add dying in a fiery ball of flames to that list of things I'm really not liking about Gary playing in PNG. I think it is below being eaten by cannibals but above being held up at gunpoint by angry tribesmen ...
So - AS SOON as the helicopter takes off and transports my hubby to the dark side of the moon - you guessed it - RADIO SILENCE ... (I believe this has happened since he has not called me back for 2 hours ....)
This is not a good thing for me - so, I have prepared:
Books! Tons and tons of wonderful, helpful books on Photography, my camera, Photoshop CS4, Lightroom 2 and magazines with how tos, tips and what not to keep me busy - for how many days I don't know. If you didn't know this about me - I LOVE books. I love learning from books - because they don't make judgements - like - 'Damn, girl, how dumb can you be?', they just let me flip back and re-read that complicated paragraph for the 10th time without commentary, judgement or recriminations. They are my friends and I surround myself with books of all kinds. They calm me, they soothe me, they teach me, they distract me, they open new worlds for me and I really can't think of a single other thing that does that much for me - so I LOVE BOOKS!!!!
I don't know how long Gary will be on the Dark Side of the Moon. I'm thinking that once they get in there ... what happens if the weather stays shitty? Well, I stay shitty for one thing ... So I will read, and blather on about whatever gets stuck in my noggin at any particular moment. So sorry everyone.
I was very proactive at lunch today. After figuring out that helicopter / fiery crash thing ... decided this would go a long way to smooth over those long, sleepless, worry filled nights:
That it has been in my fridge for 5 hours and still looks like this is, well, weird to say the least since cheesecake is in my list of top 10 favorite things (I think - hmmm, above my siblings? Yeah ... but definitely below books!!)
I realized today I wanted to be a blogger like Laura. Quiet, reserved, and full of very thought provoking questions - like the one today - (apparently I am SO TOTALLY the black sheep that I thought that I was ... why am I so contrary?). But no, I have to spout out every blinking thing that flits through my scattered brain ...
Evah so sorry folks ....
And on a nicer, yet still totally on the 'Remind me why I care about this, Lori' note: my babies are OPENING!!!!
Lovely 25 second exposure, f-stop 29 (DIDN'T even know my camera would do a f-stop above 22 ...) and ISO of 100 (threw that stuff in JUST TO MAKE YOU ROLL YOUR EYES ...): Sleepless night ahead. Send warm fuzzies my way ...
... that I will
That cheesecake is ridiculous with tasty temptation. Lucky. I'll think of you tonight when I am watching Brazilian Butt Lift on tv. Infomercial. Almost got me to pick up the phone last night.
You sweet sweet lady.
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