13 February 2010

He Did It!!!

See, here's the thing ... yesterday / last night? I was on some morose, pity party, romantic bender. Ug - ain't me USUALLY at all. I never would have posted the valentine - and the music ... make me gag! I don't know what got in to me. I am sad that I will have no communication (actually I found out I will have some) with Gary in the jungle and that he won't be coming home until the 23rd - the day AFTER his birthday instead of being here for his birthday. I was a bit unrecognizable to even myself and put myself to bed and hoped to sleep it off

But not before I did a couple of weird things. Of course ...

I knew Gary had got me something for Valentines Day - something that we aren't going to blog about and something that is not ... exactly .... photographicable. So ... where does that leave me with my camera manuals? I need something other than "Drunken Birdhouse with a Hangover" - I'm sure you guys wish I had something to photograph other than "Drunken Birdhouse with a Hangover", don't you?

So - I got on the computer to buy MYSELF some Valentines Day Flowers. Yes, you heard me right - BUY MYSELF FLOWERS. Being morose - partly, surprisingly - because of the fact that Rachael was born on Valentines Day - and this has not happened for YEARS (might be because I am alone) I jump over to the sympathy section on the flower web page ... WHAT PART OF THIS DOES NOT SOUND ENTIRELY DERANGED TO YOU?

I can't believe I am fessing up...

They had some lovely arrangements - prettier to photograph than the Valentines Day ones. And that is when something in my head clicked and said "Lori, you are pathetic, you ARE NOT buying yourself flowers, GET TO BED!!!". So I sulked off and went to bed.

Woke up this morning, realizing that Gary had not called me before he went to bed and it bothered me - I think he was still appalled at the Valentine ... and I can't blame him - he is not a romantic either - this makes us a good pair .... MOST OF THE TIME. I rolled over and literally told myself there was ABSOULUTELY NOTHING to get up for. I was that HAPPY waking up. I then went into a little diatribe sarcastically: "poor little you, your not getting flowers for valentines day, you're batshit crazy, lonely, sad, alone, morose ... WHAT'S SO DIFFERENT FROM EVERY OTHER DAY?????" I told my - apparently very angry - 'chipper alter-ego' 'go to hell' and rolled over and fell back asleep.

Then - the doorbell rang. Woke me up. I lay there thinking - 'just don't ring again' - since, generally - one ring is a delivery and two rings is a person wondering if I heard the first ring (or knows me at all ...). No other ring. Rolled over sighing and fell asleep. Woke up just a little later and started thinking - my compact flashes had been shipped and I didn't know how well they fared in the cold (the cards that go in my 'real' camera ... as opposed to my two very fancy point and shoots). Got up, got dressed, still muttering to 'chipper alter-ego' to leave me the hell alone I was allowed to be grumpy - my life, at that moment, as I saw it, was in the toilet....

Made my way to the door and opened it. And to my complete and utter .... horror, joy, elation, thrill - there sat a large box with the letters FTD emblazoned on it with a 'This side up' ... 'Fragile' ... 'No signature required' ... and ... 'Lori, you're an idiot' ... on the side of it (I might have been the only one that could see the latter ....).

Made my day! Oddly my mood made a quick 180 degree turn ...

A real live plant that made its way to me from Buford, Georgia - couldn't have been a fun trip, I'm thinking - so in relatively good shape for that. It is a minature rose bush - WHICH I LOVE and, seriously didn't think my husband knew that about me (I am willing to say it might be a lucky guess - but ... you never know- he never ceaces to surprise me ... well, like TODAY!)

Put it together in its beautiful ceramic pot and tossed the box to the side, where it made an odd, non empty, thunk. Picked it back and thought it's just the molding for the ceramic pot. Tossed it again. Watered my plant and golly - guys what comes next in this scenario? Can you guess? Yes, I went back to bed and started reading a book ...

OF COURSE I DIDN'T!!! Got my camera out and started taking photos, which I have to tell you - took 5 times as long as the last set of flowers I took photos of. First there was situating the tripod to point at it. Then the settings, then the 30 second exposures for a clear, crisp photo, etc, etc rather than just pointing and shooting without a care about photo quality at all ...

Went to clean up, picked up the box and walked it to the garbage and pulled out the ceramic moulding, 'cause, well, it DID have the FTD logo on it. And to my amazement, it was a padded bag with a wee tiny box of GODIVA CHOCOLATES in it!! Decided NOT to throw them away.

And, of course, redid the photo shoot - cause - it had to be in the photos! And I had to see if I could photograph the logo (hard to see) and I JUST HAD to photograph the adorable heart shaped chocolate (I ate the others before even thinking that a photo experiment would be in order ... sharp close-ups, you know - just think what I could do with that TICK now!!!).

So my mood? Right now? Mortified about the valentine to Gary I posted (but that no delete clause ....) but everything else?

A OK!!!

My goal for the week: NORMALCY!!!

It could happen ....


Jennifer said...

Hot damn! That Gary,he's a barrell of surprises. I'm so happy you got that delivery. Your Valentine, as much as I laugh at you, is GREAT! Plus, considering his other valentine that you hinted at, that's really what you are giving him, right?

Let me tell you - my heart dropped when I read that it was Godivas in there. I would have died if they had been trashed. Not that anyone would know, at least immediately, but the discovery... I would have kicked you and myself. And Gary and FTD and Godiva and anyone who walked past. I love that stuff. I'd even eat one shaped like that background statue in Vigeland Park. Obviously, I'm reading posts out of order. Lucky you, because that is a damn hilarious comment.

Thought of you all day.

Court said...

What an excellent valentine's gift, sent all the way from the cannibals. Miniature rose bushes are so lovely and so petite. And chocolates are delicious anytime. So goodonya Gary! That's my shout out Australian style.