21 February 2010

Happy Anniversary!!

Wednesday was Photoshops 20th anniversary. So, to the consternation of some, I have been hunkered down - thinking I would be clever and make a post devoid of words, just photos, with each of the photos clearly photoshopped.

Failed spectacularly on both counts.

1) It just needs some sort of explanation - like - 'my Wednesday' ... but unfortunately is really: 'my Wednesday until I forgot to take the camera with me' ...

2) Some of the Photoshop techniques cannot be seen on a photo this size ... and my creative spurt happened to be only nano seconds long - so the last few were just thrown in there ...

Dang! I sure wish I had finished out the day BECAUSE THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH PHOTOS!!


Unknown said...

You really know how to celebrate. I mean it doesn't get better than a date with the needle. I love the dog pictures and what's up with your fridge??? And how does one know about PS's anniversary?

A.J. said...

Were those piranha in the fish tank?
Love the shot of Charlie Levitating Wonder Dog. Touch ups don't only happen in Photoshop I see, looking good.
Nice to have you back.

Lori Hurst said...

Sarah - my fridge is empty. When Ryan comes to visit - he takes a picture of it and sends it to his girlfriend. I decidedto take one and post it.

AJ - Love the 'Charlie Levitating Wonder Dog' moniker ... it just might have to become part of my vernacular!! And, no - I don't believe my doc sports piranha in her fish tank ... but then - I don't know ...

Court said...

hope you had a delicious day at the salon!