04 March 2009

Way too many posts for the day.

But I can't help it! I might be losing it - Gary has been gone a long time ... but I am pretty sure I am just SUPER EXCITED! You have NO IDEA how long it took me to figure out how to make that stupid photo to overlay the mat that says 'FUN'. I knew it was possible - but for some reason the name of the procedure to do it ('clipping mask') is being kept a National Secret by the "Digital & Internet Creative Keepsakes by Scrapbookers of America" (OK, totally made up: DICKS of America - I may be getting a bit punchy).

So - I have discovered that there are about 1001 things you can do with this procedure (about 5 items are actually on the page but I won't bore you with the details) but if you don't know the name of the procedure - you can Google your brains out, but you are still not going to find it.

So a wee bit excited over something you don't care a lick about, but CLIPPING MASKS!!! Whoo Hooo!!

(Oh, and I know that the page is crap - but I whipped it out in 5 minutes once I read the TOP SECRET file and just couldn't wait to share...)


Jennifer said...

I don't know what you are talking about, but I see the word "FUN" and I like what it looks like, so WOO HOO!

Cherri said...

Your acronym shows a little attitude but that is awesome. Now just remember what it is called so in 2013 when I retire and actually have some time you can teach me how to do it!

Court said...

Is that Jesse in your "Fun" photo? Adorable!

Lori Hurst said...

Yes, it is Jessie.

Court said...

Awesome. She is the essence of fun in that photo! Check out her beautiful rosy cheeks and sun-kissed hair. It feels like you really captured her true spirit in that single frame.