13 March 2009


This is a place near our home called BærumVerks - oddly enough in the area called Bærum. It is actually behind all the shops - a quiet little spot with a waterfall that I thought was beautiful. It an old iron works factory turned into an upscale shopping centre, and my downfall. I LOVED to shop there!

One thing they did do there was make things the old fashioned way - it was a place that kept the old traditions of handicrafts alive. They blew glass, made linens, and my personal favorite - wooden containers called Tine's (pronounced: tina). I must have 20 and they are displayed in a collection in my home, with some spread out being used for more functional purposes. They are hard to describe, so I have taken a photo and included it. They call it their ancient 'tupperware' since the tops seal and have a tricky way of getting them off.

This one sits on one of our end tables and holds all our remotes for the TV, DVD player, Sound system and cable box - looks much nicer than them just laying there ...


Shel said...

Oh Lori, I can see why you loved it there! That is a beautiful photo! And... I would also love to own lots of those gorgeous wood ancient tupperware boxes, Tine's... how stunning. I'd love to come check the rest out and see how they open. I love unique things like that. I think I would like shopping in your favorite spot!

Andrea Dent said...

Lori, I am ready to move over there after seeing all these pictures! How beautiful! And you are a great photographer too! I've loved reading about this place that is such a part of you.

Laura said...

I am loving your travelogue! It is so much fun to see your beautiful pictures of Norway and learn more about the country!

Keep the entries coming. I'm going to get some popcorn!

Court said...

Ancient tupperware: two of my favorite things rolled into one! I love historic architecture and even I would de-clutter if I had some gorgeous Tine to store things in!

Court said...

P.S. BaerumVerks looks fantastic! Mixed use/rehabilitated spaces are so intriguing.