05 November 2008

Fortune Cookies

When Gary got to the polls at 6:30pm yesterday, he discovered that his change of address request had not been processed, which meant he was not at the correct location to vote. He had to run over to the area where we lived before Norway.

We decided that while he was at it, he might as well pick up Panda Garden for dinner – an oriental restaurant that we liked. Brought it home, had dinner. Later I started snacking on the fortune cookies.

First fortune: “You will exceed even your own expectations.” ‘Kay, whatever – I aim low…

Second fortune: “You will exceed even your own expectations.” Hmmm, is there a lesson here? A funky batch of cookies? Was the cosmos trying to tell me something? I didn’t know, didn’t care.

This morning – breakfast of champions – a fortune cookie: “You will exceed even your own expectations.” Now I’m looking over my shoulder, kinda creeped out. I can hear the “If you build it, they will come” mantra repeating over and over in my head … don’t want to build a baseball field.


What? I will exceed even my own expectations – in what? Stupidity? Mediocrity? Brilliance? That’s the thing about fortune cookies … you can take it to mean anything you want.

I choose brillance.


Jennifer said...

Perhaps it is your expectation that fortune cookie fortunes will differ.

Laura said...

Strange coincidences? Or some other force at work? Hmmmm.....

Oh, and now I want Panda Garden's Sesame Chicken.

Alisha said...

LOL-- I like Jen's comment. I can't do better than that.

Leslie said...

I am now hungry.

Cherri said...

I think the worker at the fortune cookie place who is supposed to run some kind of cosmic sorter so that various fortunes go to one location MESSED UP! You are just meant to exceed your expectations - whether for laziness, brilliance, spirituality, athleticism, pessimism, whatever!