17 November 2008

Charlie is in HUGE Trouble

So ... Ryan went to his Subway Sandwich (where he works) and made us two foot long sandwiches. Six inch for me, six inch for Ryan and a twelve inch for Gary. I took mine and (of course) ate it by my computer. Ryan was cleaning the kitchen, doing his chores and walked in about 5 minutes after leaving the kitchen and asked me if I had taken his sandwich. I told him 'no'. As we looked in the kitchen, Charlie was looking very please with herself and all that was left was an empty wrapper on the island and two peppers on the floor:

I guess she does not like them. Oh yeah .... she's in trouble.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Bailey can't reach anything on the counters, but she has stolen stuff off tables. So I can empathize.

On the other hand, forget empathy. That's a really funny story!!