22 April 2009

True Love

Woke up to this note in my e-mail inbox:

"I went over today and made arrangements for Internet. They said 7-8 business days. It might be installed before you get here, if not will be available in the first few days after you arrive.


So indiscriminate blogging to continue while I 'live' in Australia also!

And ... 'thank you' to all for your kind words to my last post. I have been moribundly ill (ok, just kidding - but it felt like it) and being that ill makes me very morose and puts me in a pouty mood. Sorry. The doc has upped my morphine, I actually fell asleep last night (as opposed to the last two previous to that) and I have been vertical here for an hour or so ... this is definitely progress.


Court said...

Glad to hear you are sleeping, but sorry to hear it is the result of poor health and increased morphine. Hope you feel better soon my friend.

Props to Gary for "keeping you with us" while you are in Australia!

Laura said...

Woo hoo! I'm glad you will have internet when you visit Australia! I am looking forward to some great posts from there.

I'm also sorry you are having to take more morphine to sleep. That stinks.