26 April 2009

Laura's ABC Tag

Age - 46

Bed size - King

Chore you hate – Cleaning the shower. (Probably does not count since I don’t actually clean my showers …. So – folding the laundry)

Dog's name - Charlie

Egg preference – Hard boiled

Favorite color - Green

Gold or silver - Gold

Height - 5' 2"

Instruments you play – I played the piano for about 5 minutes when I was 10 or so …. Does that count?

Job title – Software Engineer / Computer Programmer / Computer Analyst …‘retired’

Kids - 3

Living arrangements –
- Husband lives in apartment in Australia
- Son lives in our house in Texas
- Daughter lives in Residence for the Mentally Handicapped in Texas
- I am a vagabond - wanting to be at all three places at once ....

working on that 'being in two places at once' trick

Mom's name - Marceil

Nicknames - none

Overnight hospital stay other than births –
- laparoscopy for endometriosis
- D&C (? not sure if overnight)
- One night for PTSD
- half dozen times or so for dehydration (all that barfing from medication)
- 1 or 2 times for multiple tests (I believe they called it ‘run the gamut of tests’),
- to stop pre-term labor
(not in order)

Pet peeve – cupboard doors not closed, items out of place on shelves, Campbell’s soup cans not in alphabetical order, you know – normal stuff …

Quote from a movie – “He’s been mostly dead all day” Princess Bride

Jen's 'R': River, Lake, or Ocean - Lake
Kimberly's 'R': Righty or Lefty - big shocker: Lefty

Siblings – 4 Sisters, 1Brother

Time you wake up – about every 2 - 3 hours – stay up for ½ to 1 hour - throughout the night (my ‘pain management’ routine)

Underwear –‘Under there’ ha ha ha ha

Vegetable you dislike? Asparagus

Workout style – Buying workout books and stylishly displaying them on my shelves.

X-rays –
- Chest (multiple times – pneumonia)
- right wrist (broken)
- right foot (bone spur on top of toe, still there, still hurts),
- head (dental)
- head and neck (migraine),
- lower back (herniated disc, still there, still hurts….)
.... I'll stop ....
OK, I pretty much just glow in the dark …

Yesterday's best moment – When Gary called.

Zoo favorite – Baby Panda bears


Cherri said...

Nice to know all those details about you. I thought Lor was your nickname - but if your name is only 4 letters and two small syllables, it already is almost a nickname in and of itself.

I saw a cool photo shop idea for Young Women - you'll have to volunteer your services. They took the profile pictures of all the girls, and using those profiles incorporated them into the YW torch and made a bookmark with cool quotes and the theme on it with each girl's name on it. I know it is not art as you normally do it, but it would be a cool thing to give each girl for the month using the theme Individual Worth.

Lori Hurst said...

That does sound cool. I will have to talk to the YW President and see what she thinks.

Jennifer said...

By far the most interesting L.

I'm giving you a nickname:
Lori-the-Gory. I hope you like it.

Lori Hurst said...

Hmmmmm, gory - depends - if it is based on my likes - frog coin purses, reading autopsies in my spare time, etc - seems good - if it refers to my makeup job at church on Sunday ... not so much - OK, but still pertinent.