14 April 2009

Lori's 'Texas Lily'

Encountered this flower on my 'Idiot's' Wildflower run. Didn't see it on my other Wildflower outing, and it was always in a ditch. It does not look like a wildflower - it looks like, well, to me - a lily - but I know pretty much less about flowers than I do about birds.

I thought that all lilies came from bulbs and I didn't have the presence of mind to dig one up or anything, they just seemed 'tulipy' or 'lilyee' (yes I make up words all the time - this does not bother me in the least) rather than 'blubonnety' or 'daisyee' they had that thickness to them - I know I am not making any sense, but have you noted the time stamp of this post (and that is when I started it ...)?

I just could not get enough of them! I loved to photograph them, but now it bothers me that I don't know what it is, why it would be growing wild in random ditches along the back roads of Texas.

I get the Texas Wildflower concept: I envision First Lady - Ladybird Johnson flinging wildflower seeds out her car window with wild abandon while driving the highways and byways of Texas (I know this in not entirely historically accurate, but my off kilter overactive imagination takes me there) I don't see her tossing bulbs out by the hundreds - and anyway - I was told I could not grow bulb plants in Texas unless I dug up the bulbs each year or they would rot and here they were growing out of control in ditches - the low and I am assuming - wet spots!

So, clearly I am confused, but this is a state that I am very familiar with and won't fret over it much - I will just enjoy my 'Texas Lily' until I have information to convince me to rename it something else ...


Jennifer said...

Well, there are wildflowers called lilies here. When I "researched" it (looked on a couple of websites) the best that I could come up with is that it may or may not be a rain lily. But there were other lilies in there.

Shel said...

A very cool "wild 'lily' flower". That is interesting that we have wildflowers that are lilies here... awesome. I've never noticed those before.