08 April 2009

Dodged a bullet ...

(so far) and didn't even know it until today (back to this later).

So - based on the photograph here - where did I go today? Anybody? Anybody?

This is a photo of my retina - VERY COOL! Fun retinal scanner. You get to feel like James Bond for a second or two and it replaces those disgusting drops. Y'all probably know all this - but it was news to me (it has been a few years since I have been in to the eye doc). Being the geeky nerd that I am, I requested a copy! I mean, who wouldn't want a photo of their very own retina, optic nerve, macula, etc?

The new thing I learned from the doctor today is that if you have late stage Lyme disease - it can affect your eyes:

"Without treatment, the infection can spread through the bloodstream into the joints, brain, eyes, and/or heart. Excruciating headaches may occur" (that 'without treatment' for me stemmed from my immune dysfunction masking the symptoms .... just thought it was the same old same old).

The medical site I was on goes on to eerily describe my experience:

"In late stages, when eye disease, arthritis or neurological disease is present, therapy consists of intravenous antibiotics (e.g., penicillin or ceftriaxone). However, in late stages antibiotics may be effective only to a certain extent or may even fail to work. In these cases, neurological damage may progress or blindness may result." I am only in remission, but the new thing - that little ditty at the end 'blindness may result' - never discussed this with my Lyme disease specialist.

I love to take photographs, I love to edit photographs and I don't know what I would do if I couldn't enjoy the beauties of nature on a daily basis.

The good news?

My doc says my eyes look perfect.

For now.


Jennifer said...

When I first saw the title of the post, I worried a little - you never know with you. Then the picture of the eye, and I thought "Whew! This isn't scary." But it is. However, I have no belief that you will lose your sight. It just won't happen. Perhaps there is a symptom that makes you lose your taste for Diet Coke? Now that would be torture.

Laura said...

I never realized just how devastating Lyme Disease can be. It's really a crappy disease to have. Stupid ticks!

I'm glad your eyes are perfect! We need you to take beautiful pictures for us all to view.

A.J. said...

To be honest Lori, at first I thought it was a high tech mammo-gram.I'll have to say you got some pretty cute peepers there. Glad to hear the tests went well, let's see some more of those pics, from your lost on the back roads of Texas tour. A.J.

Shel said...

I, too was thinking.. Wow, is this a new fandangled photo of a squished boob? but, it is a cool look into your eye. I'm glad your doc says your eyes look perfect.. I will pray they remain that way, I enjoy your photography, too!

Shel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shel said...

sorry, Lori, my touchpad is sensitive and double clicked, so I deleted my double comment :)

Cherri said...

Yeah, glad things are okay with your eyes, that Gary is home and that you didn't get too lost in your ramblings. Hope the results of the exam you just took (happy feet) turn out well too. I got to do one of those as well a few years ago, kind of scarry, but you know anything they make you wait 6 months to find out must not be TOO serious!

Judi T said...

It made me remember when you asked for an extra cow's eye to take home to dissect in high school. Doing the one in class wasn't enough for you. Sounds like you're still fascinated!

Lori Hurst said...

I do remember taking the cows eye home - put it in tupperware in the fridge and totally freaked out my mom when she opened it!

Court said...

I agree with Laura--Lyme disease sucks. And I'm glad we all get to reap the benefits your healthy peepers!