09 April 2009

Time Travel

Gary: "See you tonight."

Lori: "No, see you tomorrow."

Gary: "It's Friday all day, all they way home."

So it is Friday morning in Australia (as I write this Thursday afternoon) ... Gary is packing and heading to the airport (whooo hooooo!). The limo will drop him off at our doorstep 26 hours from now, and it will only be late Friday afternoon - how wrong is that?

Sounds like a story problem from High School ...

And yes, I get it. He crosses the date line - but that is pretty good for me ... being without my saner half for 6 out of the last 8 weeks!

1 comment:

Laura said...

I hate traveling when I have to deal with a time change of an hour or two! I don't think I'd like crossing back and forth over the international date line.

Yeah for Gary being home! Enjoy your time together.