25 April 2009


I have not been feeling well for a few days and absent from blogland. I just did not have the energy to type anything and had 'blog block'. Things are looking up as I have been vertical more and more each day.

As for accomplishing anything - that is debatable. When I am sick, I generally cannot control the pain like I can when I am well and can do my relaxation exercises, etc - so up nights roaming the house a lot more than my usual roaming.

Week one down with Gary being gone, and except for the first day or so that felt so alien and final, (and turned me into a crybaby) week one went off without any major hitches.

Photoshop, for me, has become a great distraction - from dealing with pain, from dealing with Gary being gone - apparently just from dealing. Don't know if that is good or bad - I'm just avoiding stuff. I just subscribed to a magazine called 'Elements' for Photoshop Elements and it has all sorts of cool stuff in it. My latest project was making a sunburst overlay and enhancing some photos from Maui (Nov 2008) that did not have a sunburst. Like I said ... distraction:

None of them had any rays of lights (or very few) but I liked the photos so I overlaid them with something I made using the gradient tool:

The question is - is it my photo anymore? What do you call it? Art? Fake photography? Crap?

Whatever ... it got me through the nights ...


Laura said...

I think they are still your photos. You have just enhanced them. And I think they are absolutely gorgeous.

I am sorry you have not been feeling well. Please call if you need anything. As you know, we live close to Sonic, and I can always hook you up!

Jennifer said...

Art. Definitely art. You photos, your art. And nobody would know they've been photoshopped; they look so natural. You have skillz.

I was wondering where you had gone. I was about to go buy you four gallons of milk.

A.J. said...

Lori, it's good to see signs of life from your blog. The gradient technnique you shared with us was terrifc. I think art is the process of revealing and sharing an emotion. Does it matter if the method used is digital imagagery from the 21 century, or an aboriginal wall painting of a hand outlined by paint spewed from someones mouth, 7000 years ago? It's the thought that inspired the individual artist which draws me in the most. Good to have you back.

Abra Leah Cross said...

I was worried about you! Love the sunburst effect!

Lori Hurst said...

Thanks for all the kind words.

Sleep seems to elude me again ...

Liz said...

I love all of your photos/art whatever it is, it makes ma feel happy! I hope you are feeling well soon. So glad you get to see your sweetheart soon! Travel safe. Blog while away, PLEEEEEASE!

Liz said...

I love all of your photos/art whatever it is, it makes ma feel happy! I hope you are feeling well soon. So glad you get to see your sweetheart soon! Travel safe. Blog while away, PLEEEEEASE!