17 April 2009

Dicking with my Dads photo:

My Dad puts out a family calendar every year for friends and family and Aprils photo was the following photo. I had never seen it before and immediately fell in love with it. I asked him if I could steal it so I could 'play'.

One of my final results:
And just in case anyone is wondering what I did to the photo:

-Changed the hue and saturation a bit to soften the colors (mainly decreased saturation).

-Softened it more using the Orton Imaging Technique – that makes it look a bit out of focus and feathers the leaves and grass.

-Put the photo on a brown canvass background.

-Used a clipping mask to shape the photo into the main photo and the photo creating a grungy ‘frame’.

-Used a brown matt over top of it (on overlay, could have used Color Dodge with about the same affect).

-Used the eraser tool on 40% opacity and erased the blue part of the truck bringing part of the color back.

-Flattened all the layers into one layer.

-Adjusting the lighting a titch and made it a bit lighter.

- It still looks like the original photo alone, but when you compare them side to side – you can see the differences better.


Andrea Dent said...

Lori, you are awesome! I need to come take lessons from you! What a talent!

Shel said...

Too Cool! I like how you put "one of my final results". It's gotta be fun to get in there and just 'play'.

Jennifer said...

It totally changes the entire focus of the photo. Very cool.