23 January 2011

Sunday Drive

It is that time of year in Texas ... when everything is ugly.

We went for a drive this afternoon after picking up Jessie - to get a message to an out of the way family in the ward. Gary had touted it as a chance for me to take photos ... but - ugly trees grasping with their gnarled, arthritic fingers at the gray, overcast sky, fields devoid of crops, showing the garbage that has blown there throughout the year, everything flat, two dimensional, no color, monotone ... there was just nothing very picturesque.

So I went with what I had!

Who knew that there were so many dilapidated houses out there in the country? I would think, for some of these, that there would have been a law stating that they had to be demolished - since they were clearly beyond repair and a huge chance that chunks of house could fall on you ...

Sad thing? I didn't take photos of them, but there were many, many more than this, just as dilapidated and had people living in them.


Anonymous said...

Lori, if they had tore them down, we never would have got to share them with you! Now that would have been sad.

Unknown said...

Hi Lori, We have seen our share of those buildings. We left Justin's and Crystal's yesterday about noon. We stayed in a really nice RV park last night in Henderson, LA. Tonight we are on the beach in MS. We don't go very far each day,we don't plan to be home before Thursday. There are 3 State Parks in FL I want visit on the way home. I love your pictures. So please keep on sharing.
Nelda Hurst

Cherri said...

I was wondering until the last if any of them had people living in them. Hey, at least there is some green in the pictures! My surroundings look like sagebrush, snow, and desert.

Lori Hurst said...

AJ - Thanks!

Nelda - Hi! Thanks for stopping by and thank you for your kind words about my photography.

Safe travels ....

Cherri - True there is splotches of green - and I am not knee deep in snow - sigh - I miss the snow (I was going to say 'what am I complaining about' but I really, really do miss the snow ... well - Norway snow)