01 January 2011

Detour Ahead ...

Spent the ENTIRE DAY thinking about a New Years Day post. Generally when I write - it just comes to me - or it doesn't. Today was a 'it doesn't' day. The post is out there ... just barely out of my reach. It has something to do with roads and driving, being in control of a car ... or not. There is something I can't put my finger on about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and a whole lot of my perception of how well I am doing at being a decent human being.

And, just as in the case that I seem to be seriously lacking when it comes to being a decent human being - I am seriously lacking in getting even a paragraph put together in any meaningful way. Maybe later ....
.... or maybe not ....


Vicki said...

I think its called "writers block". Maybe we both have it. For my personal history class, I've been asked to write about Christmas. That should be EASY - but so far, nothing.

Anonymous said...

Lori please help me understand. How do you go from a bad case of writers block, to questioning your moral character?
Maybe some ruffage would help.
Seriously are you doing okay? Hope so. AJ

Lori Hurst said...

I really don't know how that happened, AJ - I am really doing fine - just, apparently, all over the map.

Maybe one of your wifes Green Smoothies would help!

Anonymous said...

Oh G-d, you do have it bad! ;-)