11 January 2011

Glorious Green, Precarious Plant Prolongation & Going, Going Gone

My husband, bless his heart, is a wonderful man. I know, I know - you ALREADY KNOW THAT. But just look at that lawn ... compared to all the lawn you can see around it. It is GREEN! Gary plants rye grass in the winter so when the grass dies ... like now - Charlie does not wear a muddy path while doing her Frisbee thing. But I love our little oasis of green:

And tonight it is supposed to get down to 25 degrees! Eeek! That is rare here. I don't know if they are calling it a hard freeze, but I am worried about my babies. True, the large container of chicks-n-hens is many years old - ok maybe 3 - that sounded ancient ... so has survived freezes - but not very often. And I am ever so much more fond of them now that they are thriving and looking cool:

As much as I love my babies, I am not hauling that behemoth pot inside for anything - the little ones ... well I guess I don't really care about my nurseries - although the transplants I have put in them are doing splendidly! Too bad they might freeze solid tonight ....

And ... I know - this might look like a mess:

.... but look close ...

Trunks aplenty - but Christmas is PUT AWAY!!! The boys get to haul all the trunks to the attic, so I am saying I am DONE! Complete with labeling all the contents of the trunks - I get a star for my forehead!

The reason this is SO EXCITING is that Gary pulled all the trunks down last Tuesday - one week ago - and I henceforth began puking and lying about in bed moaning. We have been dodging and weaving around them ever since ...

I tried a few days ago to put some stuff away: Put two or three items in a trunk, go barf, put a few more items in a trunk, go barf - and it just wasn't that exciting or fulfilling for me - so I gave up and crawled in bed for ... man - I have no idea how many days - they sort of just ran together... Until yesterday and I went to work - so I am thrilled beyond words!

And on a VERY BRIGHT NOTE: My computer has acted PERFECTLY today!!! If this keeps up, well, I will be pleasantly surprised ...

1 comment:

Cherri said...

You could just leave the plants in place and cover them with old sleeping bags or even a layer of old sheets helps. Have you forgotten your Utah/Idaho roots? For shame!