26 January 2011

This is just getting old ...

I avoided .... to spare y'all ... my original title of Worrying, Wearisome, Whining Wednesday - but that is what it was. OK, most of the whining was in yesterdays post - I apologize. But I am sure I am about to whine in the next few paragraphs, trust me.

I used to think that I enjoyed all things computers. Until you get a lemon, have to install all your crap on it multiple times, ever worrying that you forgot something (and do) and all your mail will be lost or the worst possibility - my financial data.

So - today I got my Super Computer. It has no name, it is not my friend, it is just a utilitarian device. And I got to start all over again. The blood pressure skyrocketing, heart racing as things looked like they were taking too long - did I mess up saving it, is all my data LOST FOREVER?

As Gary says - I am not a hacker - a hacker would believe that they could get out of any hot spot by randomly pressing buttons - but in my world - that does not seem to work out all that well. In my world things just don't work and I am just out of luck.

So - I got my mail working - with all my archived e-mails that I might need to refer back to, and my financial data is up to date and working fine. Whew! Photoshop got installed and then Lightroom (you know - the TAGS and being able to find my photos) but it needs its database to run which is embedded in with my photographs - a large chunk of data - about 400GB. So I started to copy it and it only took 4.5 hours! That is an improvement over the 18 - 24 hours on my other computer ...

Here it is giving me a nasty error message - which I promptly ignored since it was clearly copying my files and at the end, had the exact number of files and folders on both my computer and my external (backup) hard drive - so everything copied fine. But still - annoying to get an error message on my first day!

I have a TON of other stuff I need to do with this beast, but my heart is not in it. The clouds are getting thicker and darker and even this sunny beautiful day could not get me out of my funk. It generally just takes time - so here's hoping it goes quickly ...

... and at least I have something to do instead of my old standby of just staring at the walls ...

1 comment:

Cherri said...

I am looking for Winsome, wacky, wonderful Wednesday! I know you have it in you! Love ya!