04 January 2011

Waiting ... Waiting ... Waiting ...

In hindsight, maybe blowing off the operating system on my brand spanking new computer was not the best move to be made on Christmas Day.

Why? You ask ...

Is it that once deleted you will never get it re-installed correctly? No, it should install fine ...

Is it that the device drivers would never be the same again? No, these can also be reinstalled to what they were heading out of 'That Computer Place' (said with a bit more disdain than ever before ... hmmm)

Is it that the technical support team, just maybe, were not the sharpest tools in the toolbox? Well - call them dumber than a bag of hammers, nimrods, wing nuts but these yahoos are not only stupid, they seem seriously disturbed ...

And I have been playing with them for over a week hoping they knew what they were doing. And no, the quality of ... well just the quality of service didn't get better on non-holiday days. Last night, was, well - the Last Night - and I am pretty sure none of them had a clue ...

Tech Support Guy with very bad English: "So you can only see 1.5 Terabytes of data, is that correct?"

Lori: "No, that was the first day, we changed all that by going from Raid1 to Raid0... (I then explain it AGAIN in excruciating detail)."

Tech Support Guy with very bad English: "So you can only see 1.5 Terabytes of data, is that correct?"

Lori: "I don't think you are understanding me. Let me explain again ..."

Tech Support Guy with very bad English: "So you can only see 1.5 Terabytes of data, is that correct?"

Lori: "Sir?"

Tech Support Guy with very bad English: "So you can only see 1.5 Terabytes of data, is that correct?"

(and it is right about here that I TOTALLY LOST IT)

Lori: "Are you seriously going to go with that?"

Tech Support Guy with very bad English: "Ma'am?"

Lori: "Can I speak with your supervisor, anybody? Someone other than you?"


and it just gets very sad and silly from there ...


TODAY I decided to try another approach and after a ton of phone calls, a bit of yelling and maybe a bit of weeping uncontrollably for a few minutes in my closet ...

... I found myself speaking with Darci!




I love Darci!

I am going to make Ryan name his first child Darci!

Darci speaks perfect English!

Darci is sitting in Ohio!

Darci listens to my entire story and not just the first sentence!


Have I mentioned that I LOVE Darci?

I now have scheduled with her a time (the next time she would be in to work) on Thursday night to wipe out my computer yet again. But - chances are, with Darci at the wheel we just might get somewhere. If that doesn't work, I will be returning it. A shame, really - it does Photoshop great - just lots of other stuff not so well.

Until then, I've got to remember what I backed up on my old computer to move to my new computer since this time I will be working WITHOUT A NET ...

... and that is pretty much it.

So - waiting, waiting, waiting ...

which naturally leads to Photoshop and playing (with my new pen! I CAN SCRIBBLE!!):

Off to play and wait

play and wait ...


Cherri said...

So you can see just 1.5 terabytes?

Just kidding!

Vicki said...

That is so funny - and so frustrating! I'm glad there IS a Darci.

Jennifer said...

Dear Darci, Thank you for saving my friend Lori from mass murdering a bunch of foreign peoples in foreign lands.

I'm glad you got some help, girl!