28 January 2011


Lay down with Gary for a bit about 5:00pm knowing that there was no way I was down for the night - just a quick cat nap, but that Gary probably was. Poor guy - has the worse sounding cough and has everything else that goes with a cold. He is NEVER sick - but on those very, very rare occasions when he is ... you can guarantee that I am. Yet here I am upright! OK, not 100%, but I haven't been 100% since that lovely April day back in 1992. We apparently are living in backwards land these days ...

Got up and started collecting garbage cans to empty ... tomorrow being garbage day. Fumbling and stumbling in the dark (it got dark while I was napping), don't want to wake him. Wander out to the great room and standing there, staring at the kitchen softly glowing ...

... the place smelling wonderful since I had lit my fragrance lamp with a calming, soothing scent this morning ...
I realized something.
The swirlies are gone.



Probably my definition is a bit different than yours. It is that feeling of butterflies in your stomach - but intensified and not in a good way. The first time I felt the swirlies was back when I was 16, hit a patch of black ice and tapped the back bumper of the car in front of me that decided that the middle of the road would be a good place to stop. Then? Did I feel the swirlies then? No, that was just mild fear. No, I got the swirlies when a car, not paying attention to the accident on the road (we were out of our vehicles) hit the same patch of black ice and plowed into the back of the family car totalling it ... and me realizing I needed to call my Dad. THAT feeling - that is the swirlies. Kind of a ball of panic, fear and dread all rolled up into one ....

I get them sometimes along with depression - they are a precursor to a full on panic attack and these days generally have something to do with is Jessie OK. Just the way it is. It takes a lot of work to keep them from escalating to a full on panic attack - so keeps my mind occupied. Sometimes that is a very good thing but rather exhausting.

Of course the house tour set off the swirlies - for no reason other than to make my Tuesday. And I have been playing 'mind games' to keep things together since then.

Decided to drop my iTouch yesterday evening onto the kitchen tile completely smashing it up ... but good. Panicked, wondering how I was going to live without it ... for about 5 seconds and then ordered a new one on Amazon. Yeah, yeah, yeah - I am spoiled.

But! I think I am on to something ... ALL IT TOOK to get an exact replica of what I dropped the evening before was to PLUG IT IN and wait an hour for it to restore all my stuff on the new iTouch.
It could very well be the fact that I experienced the PERFECT Computer'ish Install that pulled me out of the current funk I was in.

I mean - I can't tell the difference between the two - AND I DIDN'T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING!

SO refreshing these days. I don't promote tossing iTouches about just to get to fix 'em up - but I have been overjoyed today that something this week was effortless and went well.


Weird ... I know.

So all is quiet in the Hurst home - Gary is softly snorfling / coughing and my head and my stomach are blessedly quiet right now. A day (fingers are crossed hoping for more) without the swirlies - well that is a gift of the highest magnitude.

Life is good in the land of the Hursts (well .... you just might want to get Gary's own opinion on this ...)


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that Gary is sick, hope he cuts through this fast.
Hope you manage to keep clear of it. Take care AJ

Cherri said...

No swirlies? Miracles exist, angels are watching over you. Kiss Gary for me (on his shoulder or something relatively germ free)and I hope he gets feeling better soon. Way to be part of the strong, the proud, the . . .


Court said...

Quiet is good. Very good. Gives you a chance to count blessings and store them away for when things are wel...not so quiet.

Court said...

Make that "well". Can you tell I'm typing in the dark? :)