07 December 2008

Deck the Halls

Now, don't we look festive? This was totally Gary's doing - I think I untangled one cord. I was thinking that if this was all we did ... fine by me. I mean, who's going to know? We look all jolly and whatnot:
But then I remembered this out in the garage:

I think half the battle is getting the boxes from the attic down - so technically - I'm 50% through with my Christmas decorating ... right?


Cherri said...

If I didn't have grandkids coming home I wouldn't put up a tree - that is my biggest hurdle with Christmas. I love buying presents, don't mind (too much) the wrapping and sending, but I think I have tree issues. Every year I have a perfect analogy to the lack of light in my life due to the lack of light on my Christmas tree- I need to bite the bullet and buy a pre-lit one, but then I fear that even that will have lighting issues.

Liz said...


Laura said...

The house looks beautiful. I'm always impressed with people who put lights on two story houses.

And looking at your Christmas boxes... I thought I had a lot of decorations! Have fun with those!

Carol Beck said...

i totally agree!!! so did gary also get the boxes down from the attic too?

Lori Hurst said...

Yes, Gary got them down, but he handed them to me and I set them on the floor! I just carried them all into the house - that has to count for something! Oh, and we put the tree up last night - so I am well on my way. My goal is decorate today and that it it ... whatever does not get put up, does not get put up. I will probably be so proud (more like stunned) that I will make a slide show - since y'all care so much ...

Leslie said...

WOW! That is all I have to say about that! WOW!