03 February 2009

I'm Thinkin' a Bit Extreme

So Gary just called, it is 5:15am his Wednesday morning, pretty early - but he has trouble sleeping the first night he is in Australia. He says he is heading down to work out, then got quiet and said he had a confession to make. He said he had done something that made him feel like he had either A) written graffiti on the back of a womens bathroom stall or B) rifled through his mothers underwear drawer. I am pretty panicked by now, because ... EWWW! rifling through your mothers underwear drawer!?! I couldn't even come up with a scenario where he would feel this way.

So he confesses:
He wrote a comment on my blog! It was on the one where I make fun of his camping next to Foster High school and we all agree via comments that camping sucks. He says he got swept up and found himself 'way too deep to chick land'.

Oh. My. Gosh! He even went so far as to ask me to delete it. I told him I had seen a comment from Anonymous that sounded like him. But since I can track IP Addresses and their location and since that comment had been posted, only a steady viewer from Singapore, a somewhat steady viewer from Germany and a very committed viewer from Minnesota (don't have a clue as to who they are - but Welcome!) had been on and Brisbane, Australia had not - I assumed it was one of them. Here is his horrible message (I guess he was confused by all the hatred of camping):

Anonymous said...
None of you mentioned the 3 "F's" (Fire, Food and Fun, not necessarily in that order). OK and your probably need to include hot chocolate, which should be part of any 'real' camp out.
February 3, 2009 1:36 AM

So I wrote back:

Lori Hurst said...
Now Gary would agree with Anonymous ... let him play with fire and have hot chocolate and you got yourself a camp out!
February 3, 2009 5:51 AM

A phone call home asking me to delete such a horrible thing! OK, it is not the comment, it is the fact that he commented.

Now I ask you - seriously - a guy commenting on my blog -vs- rifling through his mothers underwear? I am thinking there is no comparison.

And just so you know - I think he was just trying to make me laugh ... of course after freaking me out, because we are just that kind of couple.

Addendum: Gary would like me to mention that he has done neither of the things he mentioned above.

Also - he blames his behaviour on a 'chick book' that he is reading (I recommended it without reading it because I like the author - but did not feel she wrote 'chick books' just 'a lawyer book about a female lawyer'). I read 10 books for his 1 so I recommend books to him when he travels because I know what he likes - but lately I have been reading technical manuals on web design - so just shooting in the dark!


Jennifer said...

After chuckling every few seconds (which I am still doing), I can see his point. Our blog circle is very much a girl's night out type of party, and he might feel like the only man at the table. Holding purses. Getting crapped on by 15 women at once for any comment he makes. Like the 3 F's. The girl response to that is, "As long as I'm not cooking the food. And all the pyros leave the fire alone. And, well, we do have fun."

Alisha said...

Yeah, what she said. (No one can say it like Jen!)

Cherri said...

I agree with Gary - you need fire. (could be why I got spanked for the two of us playing with matches behind the old trailer - I was supposedly the one in charge, being 3 years older. But you know and I know how persuasive Gary can be - I think he should have at least got a little swat on the behind for being a fellow pyromaniac!)

Court said...

That is quite possibly the funniest post I have read in a long time. I do think it is really sweet of him to read your blog while he's out of town. Nothing, however, says love like a genuine frog change purse.

Lori Hurst said...

Cherri - I will be sure to swat him when he gets home, how is that?