16 February 2009

For Laura:

Note: if you are totally confused and, oh, my .... aren't we all at this point? Please refer to the comment string to the post: "In Honor of President's Day" (that and the pile of grey matter that seemed to spill from my head, oh, about an hour ago). That all will clear everything up nicely!

Think I got Rodney a gig:

He shoots bullets from his MECHANICAL arms!!!
He can throw a knife with DEADLY accuracy ...
from his MOUTH!!!

He doesn't need LEGS!!!
He doesn't need BRAINS!!!

He's part FROG!!!
He's part MACHINE!!!


The Rodenator!!!

Coming to a theatre (no where) near you!!!!

Hey! It's the best I could do! Dude - you try to convince a paraplegic, ill tempered, foul mouthed (ooops, that's me) LITTLE (yeah ... WAIT until you see him next to his humongous honey (stage wife I might add) - they always look smaller in real person) twat to clench a knife between his smarmy toothless gums at 1:00 in the morning!!! But I am "only" the photographer. The title of the film, you ask me? Totally lame! The Rod-en-a-tor? Yeah, but you'll have to take that up with Hugo ... his agent. That's: H-U-G-O. One. Word. As in 'Cher' or 'Madonna'. Seriously, this has gotten way out of hand if you ask me, but, of course, no one is ...

Anyhooo ... Hugos number is 1-800-GoFrogs (if you believe it). I hear he did get that old frog the part in Shrek 2 or 3 or 2 1/2 or what ever it was - you know, Fiona's dad - the one with his totally cool death scene(s) - so maybe he's good. I guess time will tell.




Anyone? Anyone? Hello? .... Will someone PLEASE tell me to GO TO BED!!!


Jennifer said...

These pictures are HILARIOUS!!!! And I don't think it's just b/c it's 1:30 am. President's Day is my favorite. I AM SO GLAD YOU HTML CODE!

Laura said...

I love the Rodenator! What a sight to wake up to - a gun toin', knife throwin' toad!

I will definitely go see his movie (even if, like so many action movies, it is rated R - I will have to make an exception)!

I see an Oscar in his future. Guest hosting "Saturday Night Live" or "Live with Regis and Kelly". A star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. I see an ugly divorce from Harriet as he leaves her for a gorgeous gecko he met on the set (it probably won't work out, though - those mixed species relationships are tough). And finally, I see, dare I say it, a gig in the center square of Hollywood Squares (is that show even on any more?)

I will give Hugo a call later to make sure he is handling Rodney's career correctly.

Lori Hurst said...

Drats!! You totally outdid me with your cleverness, you evil, cunning woman!! (Kidding, I nearly peed my pants just now laughing - and yes, I can TOTALLY see Rodney leaving Harriett for a cute little Gecko). We will just have to wait and see - what about Tess? Her well being should be paramount. It's always the children that suffer!

Shel said...

I think I can officially cancel my Dish account now! James will be thrilled with saving the money. I have found that this is much better than watching T.V. any day! Thanks for the awesome entertainment and taking my mind off my enormous migraine. This is so stinkin' funny I keep laughing out loud :)

Laura said...

It is true that Tess must be considered. But...how sure are we that Rodney is Tess' dad? Harriet has 2 arms, Tess has 2 arms, but Rodney? No arms. Makes one wonder, doesn't it??

Court said...

What??? Go to bed...and miss all this? NEVER!!

Lori Hurst said...

Shelly - sorry about the laughing: laughing + migraine = seriously unfun throbbing (I know)

Laura - do I see a wee bit of betrayal of Rodney? You were his biggest fan! Anyway - he lost his arms in an awful accident at his place of work - the saw mill (slipped, fell and sort of rotated or spun, on the frog slimy floor - thus having all his limbs chopped off). So we can't hold that against him, but Harriett on the other hand, just looking at her right now - you just never know where she's been or what she's done - her face says 'been there, done that' ... so maybe... (Note: I just asked her if Tess's father was Rodney, and DO YOU KNOW WHAT SHE DID? Yeah, she just gave me the finger and didn't say a word!)

Anyone ... if you see my brain, could you please return it to me? I think I might be needing it for ... something, later, I don't know - I just sort of miss it!

Laura said...

I am still a big Rodney fan. I just don't want him to get saddled with a child that is not his. But now that I know his arm loss was a tragic accident (curse those slippery mill floors), there's more of a possibility Tess is his.

Too bad Jerry Springer isn't still on TV. We could have had Harriet and Rodney go on there - along with any other 2 armed toads in Harriet's past (and we know there are some) - and done a DNA test. Solved the whole paternity problem right there.

Okay, I think my brain has leaked out of my head, right along with yours.

Lori Hurst said...

Yeah, I am pretty sure that Presidents Day coincides this year with: "Anyone with a name starting with the letter 'L' goes totally nuts" day...

kimberly said...

I have a particular fondness for Rodney, seeing as my dear laptop shares the name. I'll def. be seeing this movie. (Even if I spend half of it cringing in horror at the frogs!)

Now I know who to call when I need someone "taken care of."

Court said...

Jerry Springer is no longer on, but sadly I know that Maury Povich does paternity tests...exclusively. Rodney may be able to prove his manhood yet.