Well - I am NOT going into the 'Sleep Report' any more. Note that it does not bode well that I am blogging at 5:30 am having just completed an 'exhausting' endeavour: Getting my house in order.
My house? Haaail, no! I don't have to do that until Tuesday morning and then I don't have to clean it - just pick up - Alma does all the rest. Gotta LOVE Alma ...
No ...
This House:
The house was in a horrendous disarray - what with the great hurricane "Jessie" of 2009 and "The Great Move" (from the shelves we donated to the dresser top) of 2010 - things were in bad shape for Mr. & Mrs. Dollhouse-People and their quintuplets.
Tonight was the night. Partly because of Santa up there on the roof. Ryan will be home next week for Thanksgiving and I wouldn't want to disappoint him.
Got a text from him yesterday (after he apparently read my blog):
"I agree with dad, I want mom to come back. Not this Christmas loving weirdo."
I texted him back and blamed sleep deprivation and that I would be back to my 'bah humbug' old self forthwith. We will get back to Santa in a minute.
Just to assure you all is well with the Dollhouse-People family and their staff:
Three of the quints happily playing in their messy bedroom:
Why the dollhouse is still up is beyond me ... OH, yeah that forever child I keep forgetting about - but she rarely plays anything with it but 'Hurricane'. I guess it is just up for me - I can't bear to take it and its box of munitions down - really helps with the rage ...
So - alls peaceful at the Playhouse-People home - well, except for maybe the roof...
Would so hate to disappoint Ryan ...
1 comment:
Santa's pakin' a 9; must be getting ready to make the run to my neighbor hood. AJ
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