23 November 2010


Gary: (walking in the door) "Lori?"

Lori: Just a minute I am finishing up ordering ...


Lori: You caught me finishing up the order of my computer I am getting for Christmas. I owe you $$$ for my second 1.5TB internal hard drive. (yes, I said SECOND - and 3 Terra Bytes of internal memory will seem small soon enough ...)

Gary: Nah, seems like a reasonable price.

(apparently my Christmas can be 5X the price of Garys ... sort of doesn't seem fair ...)


Gary: (heading back to the garage) So, do you want to come out and sing the "I'm Spoiled" song while I finish the desk?

Lori: I HAVE an "I'm Spoiled" song ... but I don't really know how the tune goes ... and what have you been doing for TWO HOURS if not finishing the desk?

Gary: Avoiding finishing the desk, cleaning up, taking apart the spare drawers to recover the wood, you know the usual.

Lori: OK, well I've been spending money.

Gary: Well then, we are both doing something we excel at!

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