*** Spoiler Alert ***
Oh - not that kind ...
Just a warning that I have, yet again, purchased something I totally didn't need but wanted ... Got to be annoying reading about it - so - there was your warning - you don't need to continue reading.
ANYWAY ... *sighs forlornly* I decided I needed a new camera before the cruise. Not even new - just a replacement. My medium size camera - which shall henceforth be called the Canon 200 was / is losing its mind and is such a WORKHORSE in my little arsenal of cameras. It does this weird display after taking a photo, won't focus on anything close up and refuses to fire a flash ... most every time I ask it to.
Actually searched for Canon 200 and didn't find it at Amazon - but who is going to get what they had when so many new varieties have been made since its purchase? There was a Canon 210 - which looked pretty much like the 200 - just a larger optical zoom (14x instead of 12x) and larger mega pixels (14.1 instead of 12.1). What this puppy is good for - other than that huge optical zoom and wide angle lens - is sunrises and sunsets. I use this over my big Canon since I get more vivid colors with it and like the results.
So - I order the camera and it arrives. I charge it, scan the little users manual - and sure enough - it is my old camera with some new features! New settings: fireworks, snow, beach, a fish eye effect and a miniature effect - which insults my intelligence a wee bit - it is called 'tilt shift photography' - ie a tilt shift lens but this is only the effect like the fish eye ... so call it what it is ... (but it IS just a point and shoot camera)
And, odd ...
... seems I've misplaced ...
I'm ... sputtering,
spewing naughty words,
I am ...
WHAT WERE THEY THINKING? They can have a FISH EYE effect, but not something that turns a regular sunset into something fantastic?
Have they all lost their minds?
The new camera: it is wonderful ... except for that one thing.
A tiny, psychotic little voice in my head says "Your Canon 200 still takes BEAUTIFUL sunsets - just no close ups or night shots".
Yeah, and I'm going to cart around 4 cameras where ever I go.
The voice informs me that my Canon 200 would only need to go when a sunrise or sunset were in the picture ... so to speak.
Carted 3 cameras out this morning to see the difference between them all and morning light. Sunrise was long over - but that never stopped my Canon 200 from getting a beautiful morning shot.
And for the sake of 'full disclosure' I have included the ugly: the photo as it comes off my chip - and we work our way from there.
Here is my Canon PowerShot SX200 IS set to 'sunset':
CROPPING is a HUGE part of me and my photos. Better, yes?
Then the fun starts - blending modes, filters, sharpening, fixing ...
Throw a frame around it and call it done!
Here is my new Canon PowerShot SX210 IS - the setting is on 'Snow' since I thought it might help make colors more vivid.
Didn't ...
Crop it:Mess around with it (throw a linear burn on it at 25% opacity) and call it done:
Here is my Nikon CoolPix. He is the baby of the family and stays in my purse at all times - tiny - but packs a punch: Both 'sunset' AND 'Dawn/Dusk' settings on this puppy!
My Nikon with the 'sunset' setting selected:
Play around with it:
NOW set to 'Dawn/Dusk':
Nice pinks ...
So a good team player - but not the star ...
I really, really do like the second one better. The color is better, it is just nicer ... and I have a knack for wanting things I cannot have.
I guess ...
for now ...
my camera family just grew by one ....
I really like the second one better too - like the pink tones in the clouds. What is up with people trying to improve things, only to make them not as good?
A little out of focus, hazy in the morning, I think you're describing me before my third cup of coffee.
As for those memorable sunset shots; don't you know that staring directly into the sun can be a pain in the ISO!
Congrats on the Canon 210. ;-)
Hope it works out for the up coming Cruise, (seems that a functioning flash may prove to be helpful if the power ever goes out on the boat... never mind.)AJ
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