06 July 2010

Cool Tricks

Was working on something for Gary this morning, stitching a photo together, then I was watching some videos on the wonders of CS5 and it directly related to what I was doing.

Take this photo - I have stitched it together, but you can see the white chunks of the photo that just arent there:

You go in - select the area, and use the edit / fill command with content aware as the option and it



I find this very cool. I tried it on a waterfall that I had taken a panorama shot of (about 6 photos that are stitched together). This was what I got (appparently I was leaning while shooting up ....):

So I told it to go to town and this is what it made for me:

OK, maybe there are a few logs on the left side that maybe don't need to be there, or maybe need treetops, but HEY! I think it is cool.

Off to play ...

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