02 May 2010

Enough with the Creepy ....

So ... apparently I am a photographer - I take photographs.

I thought that I would:

a) avoid life, packing for Australia or anything travel related
b) review my photos
c) put photos on my blog that I took this week ... only this week

I take a lot of photos .....

There multiple sessions of my "Lothario Lizard Luring the Ladies":

The dove (?) that would not fly away, but refused to face me and be photographed properly (so shy ...):

The place a threesome of us ate lunch (look closely at the people ...):

A light from the same restaurant:

The 'Nameless Statue' of a man so famous in Richmond, Texas, he needed no identifying plaque (or they could not afford it). Of course I had to ask, not knowing who he was - apparently he has been the mayor of Richmond, Texas for 30 some odd years ...

A lovely set of shacks outside the restaurant, the first one taken after lunch when the sun was shining on it:

This one (before my Photoshop work) taken before when it was in the shade ... and I had noticed the flowers in front of it - they are nearly invisible in the one with the light shining on it:

And it's uncomely neighbour:

A friends roses caught my eye - one of them was out of focus - darn! Can you tell which one? Yes that is the beauty of 'posterize' in Photoshop and a fuzzy photo:

Random flower - out of order - they were by the 'Nameless Statue':

On one early morning Sonic Run, Charlie had to endure sitting in the car while I took photos I mentally titled 'The Long Way to Sonic' ... since, well, it is ....

I don't really 'title' my photos - just mentally - but this one is titled 'Sentinels' since I noticed all the herons (?) in their own personal space lined up along the lake - it was weird ...

Then there is my series of 'Photos taken while driving my car' - seriously. Out the window. I know, I have issues - but sometimes you just have to snap the shot ...
The church (with a 'dry brush' filter):

Playing even further in Photoshop with our church:

A beautifully shaped tree - that I am hoping is not dead - just slow in getting its leaves - but I have sure enjoyed the beauty of it's branches while waiting for my Route 44's ...

An entire meadow of flowers. Never have bothered to stop and take some close ups - road seems too busy ... or maybe it is just I'm always too busy ...

And discovery of discoveries! MINIATURE PONIES!!!!! Next to where Charlie gets groomed:

Who could resist snapping photos of MINIATURE PONIES!!!!?!!!!

And, well, that is pretty much it ... for this week.

Next week will be chock full of Story Bridge and such ....

... until then ....

... happy photographing!!!

1 comment:

trish said...

I love that you see beauty in places I would never think to look. The pictures are gorgeous!