16 November 2009

This is why I especially hate airports ...

So, I'm sitting at my gate after seriously drinking a gallon of diet coke and noticed the flight to Orange County was still at the gate and its getting close'ish to boarding time - at least the aircraft should be there but I am blissfully reading an e-book on my blackberry when it randomly occurred to me to check the departure board. Sure enough my flight had been changed TO ANOTHER TERMINAL and while I am trudging halfway across the airport the PA system is accosting me with CHRISTMAS MUSIC. During a lovely rendition of 'I'll be Home For Christmas' I was almost convinced I was travelling during the Christmas Holiday Season I am that messed up 'sleep deprevation' accounts for most of this.

And I haven't even left Houston yet ...

I'm in trouble ....

But will make my flight now that I am sitting at a gate with my flight showing!


Kristie said...

When Brent and I went to Utah this summer, we almost missed our flight because they had changed the gate on us!! We were in Phoenix and the new gate was in a totally different terminal. Airports are loads of fun!!

Shel said...

Ahh yes, the blissful moments of travel! I hope you have a fantabulous time and I will be looking forward to pictures yet again.

Jennifer said...

Even the non-sleep deprived think it is the Christmas season what with the stores and the music and the commercials. Geez Louise.