17 October 2008

Pedro & Julio Siting!!!

I feel my parrots names need a wee bit of explanation. Pedro & Julio: clearly two male names. Is one a butch female ... no - my brain in the blink of a second evaluated that whenever I make assumptions I am clearly wrong, and wanting to see baby birdies made them a gay male parrot couple before I even knew what was going on. I looked up, saw two green parrots one day and out loud said "hello, Pedro and Julio". I thought it was weird also until I evaluated it and decided that it probably was the best chance I had of seeing little parrotlets. And who am I to judge - I just go with the flow of my brain which clearly:

A ) Has way to much alone, at home, time on its' hands
B ) Has disconnected from any portion of sane, logical sense that is still left up there

OK, that being said. I have not seen Pedro and Julio since before Ike. Where do parrots go during a hurricane with 70 mph winds? I don't know - I didn't see tons of dead birds on the road after so apparently they were watching the news also. I hear birds chirping in my chimney all the time - for all I know it is an Avian Evacuation Shelter - but if not, where do they go? I had assumed they just got out of town and stayed in parts unknown.

Yesterday, two familiar green birds landed on a tree outside and just sat there. To actually capture a photo of these very skittish fellows, I have to move as slow as a statue. For any of you who have seen the show Sneakers where Robert Redford has to move slowly through a room so he won't set off the alarms - Dan Ackroyds words go through my head every time: "Go real slow!!". I generally scare them off or don't get a good photo through the window. I need at least one siting during the day to raise the blinds.

They flew off and I raised the blinds. Then out of the blue - THREE green parrots alighted on my birdhouse - with one on the roof since there was no room. I froze and just watched and basically evaluated size. Nope - they were all the same size - no baby - just a tag along? In seconds the new one - looks 'fluffy' compared to Julio and Pedro - got nasty and had scared the two away. So either this is their 'child from hell' that eats way too much or a nasty friend. I named her Juanita for lack of anything else coming to my brain (and no, not because she was nasty - in all probability she is a male based on the actions of the other two, but I have way to many male names floating around already). Might just have to shuffle the names here now. I got one very poor shot off of the strange bird eating alone:

And in honor of Pedro and Julio's non-demise during Ike, I found two photos - one titled Julio and one titled Pedro (you realize I can't tell the two apart, right? - I'm insane but not REALLY insane) and thought I would post them:



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