21 October 2008

Doctors orders

Took Ryan to the doctor yesterday for insomnia. I had calmed down about the letter insinuating I was a criminal and didn’t kick a single puppy (thanks for the offer for untraceable ones Jen). We checked in on time at 3;15, sat down, watched about 10 – 15 other people check in and get called in. The puppy kicking urge was roiling up again about 4:15 when Ryan was finally called. I waited in the waiting room – empty. About 45 minutes later he texted me and asked how long he had to wait. I texted him back and said I had seen most everyone come back out so he should be soon ... or we were apparently sleeping there.
I was wondering what the doctor would order – he inherited his insomnia from me and after trying everything and then some, I just gave up, calmed down, decided that just lying there awake all night was good enough some nights – it has not killed me yet. If I don’t want to stay in bed, I always have my computer….

He finally appears with orders to drink a cup of chamomile tea every evening. Having said previously that I have tried everything – I knew exactly what he was getting into. I don't get herbal tea - it tastes awful - I would rather surf on my computer all night than drink a cup. It explains the vile taste of British food to me though...
We went to the store, bought it, and at 8:30 Ryan declares that it is time and makes it up. It says (if you click on the picture you could read it) on the back of the bag: "As soothing as a field of daisies" - what they don't tell you is that only works if you 'eat' the field of daisies....

Ryan was encouraged by the words and impressed so I didn't share my thoughts - didn't want to influence him (OK or warn him - I wanted to see his face when he drank it ... bad, bad mommy).

He sipped a bit made a face (see above) and declared it too hot and that it 'needed something'.

We wanted to get our nightly scripture reading done and he was dawdling. He finally said: “You need to wait for me to finish breaking the Word of Wisdom before we can start.” So we waited, and waited. He finally came in and said that it was the most vile thing he had ever put in his mouth (and that was after honey, sugar, cinnamon and I am not sure what else). Don’t think it is going to work out for him.

After thinking about if for a bit, he muttered “That stuff is undrinkable. You would think that Satan would have tried harder…”

(Permission from Ryan to blog this)


Val and Marceil said...

I thought Chamomile Tea was an herbal tea. If it is used to promote sleep it wouldn't have caffiene in it--or if so it would be less than a Coke. So he shouldn't worry about Word of Wisdom or Satan issues. I have tasted Chamomile Tea and I thought it was pretty tasty when combined with cream and sugar.

Lori Hurst said...

It is herbal tea. Ryan doesn't care about the tea, he was just being funny. And I don't think all the cream and sugar can fix that flavor.... just sayin'

Cherri said...

That is a wonderfully funny statement, "you'd think Satan would have tried harder!" He is a hoot. Hopefully something else will work to help him sleep. Maybe he just needs less sleep? I know a couple of my daughters got into sleep difficulties because they would nap during the day - like right after classes, all afternoon, then have a hard time sleeping at night. I just had to keep them awake during the daytime and it helped straighten out the night- or maybe they just quit telling me they couldn't sleep so I would quit waking them up from their naps!