04 October 2008

Cool Building

Linda, Bonne and I were having lunch the other day and as we left the restaurant in the historic section of Richmond, I spotted the top of this building:

Of course, we had to go take photos ... I throw our small camera in my bag whenever I leave the house because you just never know what you might find.

It is the Richmond Police Department. Looking awfully fancy for a police department and looking awfully similar to a building in La Grange, Texas that some helpful passerby had mentioned used to be a jail - I wondered aloud to Linda if this was the case here. Good 'ole Wikipedia came through once again to tell me yes, this used to be the jail. Incarceration in style!

Linda is no stranger to my forcing her to drive somewhere so I can take a photo - probably the most memorable (to her) would be this photo:

It is the bridge over the Brazos river. She acted as 'spotter', and as always: 'good sport' while I parked my car on the rail road tracks and snapped away.

1 comment:

Val and Marceil said...

Nice photos! You are making me jealous of your photo file. Have you started working on the calendar photos yet?
