23 October 2008

Charlie's Been Shopping

Haven't seen Barney for a while. I don't know if he wandered off and got lost, Charlie's hiding him or if he died. I think I would know about the latter since there would be Barney bits all over, but I guess only if Charlie killed him and he didn't die of whatever makes dinosaurs die.

Anyhooo, Charlie has a brand new bunch of friends. Last week, I got some toys out of Jessie's room to take to a friends house and left the detritus on the bed. There were 6 small stuffed animals left: Big Bird, Oscar the Grouch, Cookie Monster, 2 Simbas and 1 Nala (both the latter from the movie 'Lion King'). The other day I saw that Big Bird had somehow learned to fly and had landed on the entry carpet. Cool.

I became suspicious when Oscar the Grouch was in the family room just lounging on a couch - in his garbage can. I can't even find Cookie Monster although I have not checked the pantry....

Charlie decided to come clean today and bring Oscar downstairs. So she has been shopping in Jessie's room. Again. A great sport of hers. She usually stays away from the stuffed animals though - maybe Barney was enough.

The really weird thing is she is tight with the Sesame Street gang, but left all the Lion King animals alone:
Maybe because they are cats ... ?

1 comment:

Laura said...

Kimberly used to have some stuffed cats that had something inside of them that made it kind of sound like they were purring when you shook them. Wow, that was a long sentence! Anyway, over time our dog, Bailey, claimed all of those cats as her own. We still have a few around, and even though they are missing all their innards (or maybe because of that), she still loves to attack them.

Maybe she takes out her aggression for cats on the stuffed ones - she is too afraid of our real cats to attack them!