02 October 2010

Longer Day ...

Spent most of my day today paying for yesterday ... coughing up a lung, moaning, and being a general, all-round, good-for-nothing lump in the bed. I was going to postpone getting Jessie since I was in no shape to do anything with her, but Gary wanted to see her and (like last week) picked her up and dropped her off.

She spent her time poking me in the eye and asking how I felt - demanding an answer, or repeating the question and since it hurt my throat to speak, or rather, croak out an answer - this got old very fast. When she wasn't asking about my well being, she was harassing Gary - so pretty much a typical Saturday for us ...

Gary is off to a Church meeting and I have rolled out of bed into a blissfully empty house, but realized rather quickly that I am just as sick with Jessie not poking me in the eye as I was when she was here.

I spent a few minutes with my photos, but my heart was not in it and I have given up for the night and will be crawling back into bed to lie about and moan when I finish this post.

This photo was a random shot taken out of the window as we were driving to dinner last night. Dogs hang their heads out the window ... I hang a camera out the window and randomly shoot. Sometimes I am surprised at the results ...
When I realized that my favourite building was behind me, held the camera on top of Gary's truck and pointed backwards and randomly shot this photo - more appropriately a crappy photo for a random, blind shot:
I played in Photoshop for a bit, but things just turned to crap. This was a photo of the city overlaid on a photo of the side of a very old building - not a good match up, but I really don't give a ... oh, well:

UT Austin had a very European feel to me when walking around some of the buildings and didn't put in many of the shots I took that made me feel that way in my post yesterday. So here are two:

This one takes me back to Prague - looks JUST LIKE a building balcony right in the middle of Prague's main square:

So ... lucky for you and your eyes ....

... that's all folks ...

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