30 September 2010

Blogging, Banking, Biscuits and Birdies ...


I've decided my last blog on 'Zones' was altogether too long, so I am posting my boring morning adventures to 'cover it up' so y'all won't feel as if you need to read my 'Novel of Nothing'.


Headed to my favorite place to get the beverage of my choice, mainly because I was on the way to the bank.

Off to the bank, drink in hand ...

Got to the drive through and Charlie starts getting all ... rigorous, vigorous, crazy about stepping on top of my drink and sitting in my lap.

I kept telling her 'no' but she seemed determined. I looked up and could see myself in their security camera and Charlie straining her hardest to see herself in it - you could just make out 3/4 of a dark, furry face.

Now, I know I append, adjoin, attach, affix human attributes onto Charlie, but in all honesty ... I don't think she has figured out yet that she ISN'T human ... so I decided she was just being all vain and wanting to look at herself.


And then ... AHH HAH! She was showing herself to the banking girl drumming up sympathy for a doggie biscuit. She gets them at our bank - thus the trying to sit in my lap. And, my, was she determined! So I was a bit more lenient about her sitting on my lap so the banking girl could see her.

And we wait ...

I get a curt "Thank you" from the teller and the little tubie thingy shoots off from the bank and lands in my drive through box. Charlie is quivering by now with excitement.

"It's just a BISCUIT, Charlie", I said, but no go - she was SUPER EXCITED. The outing of a lifetime - Sonic AND Banking Biscuits!!

I open the tubie thingy and take out my receipt.

Just that and a pen.

Charlie shoves her face in the open tube ... then looks at me like it was my fault the teller was a ... well, a non-dog-lover. Then, and I SWEAR, her face fell and she looked so sad ...

... I'm a sucker - I promised her a treat when we got home. And she perked right up.


And onto to home we drove - with the windows down so that Charlie's ears could flap in the breeze and she could sing 'Born Free' or what ever the hell it is she does as she is hanging out the window (when she is not harassing babies in strollers ....).

And we passed a tree.

We pass this tree a lot.

We passed it a few nights ago - late.

And every time I drive by - I hear a gazillion birds chirping, or rather - shouting. It didn't hit me until today, but there are houses right by this tree. How would you like a 'Birdie High Rise Apartment Complex' full of fun loving, partying all night, playing the stereo too loud tenants living next to you?

I seriously decided that I would probably kill myself if I had to listen to this all day and night ... but then again, I would probably die eventually from lack of sleep, or jailed for 'Bird Slaughter' (is that a misdemeanor or a felony?).

I turned around to go tape a bit. And the raucous you hear, although it does not sound like a gazillion birds ... trust me - it is - just not as melodic as it sounds in real life ... if you can call a gazillion shouting birds melodic ...

I taped two and was just going to put the shorter one in since I look like I cannot hold a camera in the longer one - but you can tell they are birds shouting, chirping, whatever in the longer one ...

And, well, this may not be shorter than 'Zones', but at least I tried ....

Off to find Charlie a treat - she is sitting here sulking and talking in her human growly, mumbling voice (think Muttley from what ever cartoon he was in and you have how Charlie seriously talks in real life - it is scary .... and what is scarier is that I understand her ...)


Cherri said...

Charlie is soooo smart - she puts my honors math students to shame!

Vicki said...

Those are birds? They must be seriously unhappy.

Cute post! I love your sense of humor.