08 December 2010

Cruise - Day 5



Day five found us on the island of Antigua in St Johns - don't know which came first the church St. Johns, or the town St. Johns ...

Well, the internet leaves something to be desired ...

Every time I enter text and try to save my post – it fails. So new approach – enter text in Word then just dump it in. Won’t fix anything – but if it fails – I have not lost all my text. SO … all my text will be in one big chunk.

Woke up to take sunrise photos and discovered it was raining …

And kept raining

We checked on our tour and it had not been cancelled: swimming with stingrays.

So off we went in the rain to snorkel with stingrays! If there was a time for the weather to turn south – this would be the day – didn’t care if I was getting wet!

This was COOL! Although I screamed like a girl for the first half hour every time one bumped into me. Oh, I don’t know – but that STINGING BARB had me jumpy …

Photos are Gary’s – I didn’t want to swim out where he was swimming since you had to kick your feet rather than drag them along the bottom (so you won’t step on one – that barb thing again) and I was worried about kicking one (that barb thing AGAIN). Apparently I preferred my sting rays up close and bumping into me demanding I feed it (sort of reminded me of Charlie …) So I pretty much got just photos of stingray pieces …


1) We all got to hug a stingray!
2) Very cool shot
3) They bury themselves in the sand – so you will wander by and step on one …
4) Check out the creepy eye!

Pretty much rained the whole day – couldn’t have picked a better day to have that happen …

1 comment:

Cherri said...

Yes, that barbed thing would have me a little nervous too! Great timing for your rainy day. Enjoy while I toil here in the snowland.