18 January 2010

I'm an Idiot

So ... do you remember a loooong time ago that I was wanting to upload some videos from our trip to Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary? Weeks ago. Yeah - that - and I couldn't because of Gary's limits on uploads and downloads.

So - here I am, home, and I'm thinkin' "Let's upload the videos!" I decide to start with a lovely one of Ryan bonding (then tormenting) an emu. Start the upload.

I know they take a while since I have uploaded videos before, but this one was big - a whopping 47 seconds or something like that - so I expected a wait.

I wait.

And wait.

And wait.

I seriously waited and let this thing churn for about 18 hours. EIGHTEEN HOURS. I was not giving up. (Can you say 'sleep deprivation'?)

Meanwhile: no post since my post and apparently my mind were somewhere wandering around in LaLa land and people started getting concerned. "Lori's not posting! Oh my! She must be sick. Or fallen into a well. Or kidnapped by pirates. Or died. Better check up on her."

While speaking with one of the kind individuals who gets concerned when I don't blog, I mentioned my dilemma. She said: "Why don't you upload it to YouTube and then embed that in your blog?"



I'm so stupid ...

I LOVE this emu! It is so expressive without any facial expressions except 'emu face'. One expression the whole time, but he is saying so much! If it stops and starts and stutters, it is worth a replay just to watch the emu without pauses.

More videos to follow!!


Anonymous said...
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Jennifer said...

I don't know how to do either of those upload things you mentioned. But why the limitations, Gary? And why the torture, Ryan?